首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment: An International Journal for Scientific Research on the Relationship of Agriculture and Food Production to the Biosphere >Effects on the composition and structural properties of the humified organic matter of soil in sugarcane strawburning: A chronosequence study in the Brazilian Cerrado of Goias State

Effects on the composition and structural properties of the humified organic matter of soil in sugarcane strawburning: A chronosequence study in the Brazilian Cerrado of Goias State


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The heating of soil organic matter after burning events can significantly change the composition and structure of humified organic matter. The impact of burning on the amount and quality of SOM depends on fire intensity, recurrence, the type of vegetation, soil texture and the local climate. The present study identified the composition and structural properties of humic acids (HA) extracted from a sandy loam textured Latossolo Vertnelho (Oxisol) managed with the pre-harvest burning of sugarcane straw for chronosequences of 1, 5,10 and 20 years in Rio Verde, Goias (GO). Soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and 0.20-030 m. To obtain a reference of natural conditions, soil was also sampled in adjacent areas covered with native vegetation and Pasture grass. The HA samples from soil under different burning conditions and areas (Cerrado and Pasture grass) were analyzed using chemical-spectroscopic characterization and the chemiometric technique. The greatest modifications in HA composition after burning occurred in the most superficial soil layers. At a depth of 0.0-0.05 m, the main changes observed were a decrease in mean C and N levels and enrichment in 0, irrespective of the length of time that burning practices had been adopted. Additionally, in the most superficial layer, the ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy assay showed that burning enhanced the aromatic properties (E-4/E-6) of HA, and FTIR spectroscopy coupled with PCA confirmed that the top soil layer shows higher variations in the functional groups as a function of burning. The PCA analysis of C-13 NMR spectra also showed that stronger aromatic properties were found in the most superficial layer, and the PCA of FTIR spectra reinforced the result by grouping HAs in these layers and thereby indicated that the most intense changes occurred in the 0.0-0.05 m layer. The most intense disturbances produced by sugarcane burning on the composition and structure of humified organic matter occurred in the most superficial layer. The combined use of the methods adopted was efficient and, along with the chemiometric techniques, consisted of useful tools that can support the development of procedures to study phenomena such as burning. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:燃烧事件后土壤有机物的加热会显着改变腐殖质有机物的组成和结构。燃烧对SOM数量和质量的影响取决于火势,复发,植被类型,土壤质地和当地气候。本研究确定了从砂壤土质感的Latossolo Vertnelho(Oxisol)中提取的腐殖酸(HA)的组成和结构特性,该处理在里约佛得岛进行了1,5,10和20年的时间序列的甘蔗秸秆收获前燃烧,戈亚斯(GO)。在0-0.05、0.05-0.10、0.10-0.20和0.20-030 m的深度处收集土壤样品。为了获得自然条件的参考,还在附近覆盖有原生植被和牧场草的地区进行了土壤采样。使用化学光谱表征和化学计量学技术分析了在不同燃烧条件和区域(塞拉多和牧场草)下土壤中的HA样品。燃烧后HA组成的最大改变发生在最表层的土壤层。在0.0-0.05 m的深度处,无论采用何种燃烧时间长短,观察到的主要变化是平均C和N水平降低,富集为0。此外,在最表层,紫外线-可见光谱测定法显示燃烧增强了HA的芳烃特性(


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