首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment: An International Journal for Scientific Research on the Relationship of Agriculture and Food Production to the Biosphere >Controlled drainage and subirrigation influences tile nitrate loss and corn yields in a sandy loam soil in Southwestern Ontario

Controlled drainage and subirrigation influences tile nitrate loss and corn yields in a sandy loam soil in Southwestern Ontario


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Controlled drainage and subirrigation (CDS) are a recommended agricultural practice to improve agricultural water quality and crop productivity. An on-farm study was conducted to evaluate the influence of CDS on nitrate leaching and corn (Zea mays L.) yield in a sandy loam soil in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. A farm was divided into two 1.9 ha plots and planted with corn. One of the plots had a free tile drainage (FD) system, and the other plot was installed with a CDS system. Drainage water volumes and water quality were monitored from I May 1996 until 31 April 1997. The cumulative drainage water volume from the CDS treatment was 8% greater than the FD treatment over this period. The flow weighted mean nitrate concentration of the drainage water was reduced by 41% from 19.2 mg N1(-1) for FD treatment to 11.3 mg N1(-1) for the CDS treatment. Hence, the net effect of slightly increased drainage volumes and dramatically lower nitrate concentrations with the CDS treatment resulted in a cumulative nitrate loss of 36.8 kg N ha(-1) compared to 57.9 kg N ha(-1) for the FD treatment. The CDS treatment reduced total nitrate loss by 36% compared to the FD treatment. The soil moisture content (top 120 cm) in the CDS treatment was 21% greater than the FD treatment and the FD treatment had a water table depth that was 49 cm deeper (59%) than the CDS treatment. Therefore, it was not surprising that corn from the CDS treatment had 50% greater transpiration rates (47.4 mg m(-2) s(-1)) than the FD treatment (31.7 mg m(-2) s(-1)). Similarly, the stomatal conductance was 12% greater with the CDS treatment (0.73 cm s(-1)) when compared to the FD treatment (0.65 cm s(-1)). The average corn yields were 11.0 Mg ha(-1) from the CDS treatment and 6.7 Mg ha(-1) from the FD treatment which was a 64% yield increase. The CDS treatment also had higher (11%) water use efficiency than the FD treatment. Thus, the crops utilized N and water more efficiently in the CDS treatment which resulted in increased productivity and improved water quality. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 32]
机译:推荐使用控制性排水和次灌(CDS)来提高农业水质和作物生产力。在农场进行了一项研究,以评估CDS对加拿大西南安大略省沙壤土中硝酸盐淋失和玉米(Zea mays L.)产量的影响。一个农场被分成两个1.9公顷的土地,并种植了玉米。其中一个地块拥有免费的瓷砖排水(FD)系统,另一个地块安装了CDS系统。从1996年5月1日至1997年4月31日,监测排水量和水质。在此期间,CDS处理的累积排水量比FD处理大8%。排水的流量加权平均硝酸盐浓度从FD处理的19.2 mg N1(-1)降低到CDS处理的11.3 mg N1(-1)降低了41%。因此,相比于FD处理的57.9 kg N ha(-1),CDS处理的排水量略有增加和硝酸盐浓度显着降低的净效应导致累积的硝酸盐损失为36.8 kg N ha(-1)。与FD处理相比,CDS处理使总硝酸盐损失减少了36%。 CDS处理中的土壤水分含量(最高120厘米)比FD处理高21%,FD处理的地下水位比CDS处理深49厘米(59%)。因此,CDS处理后的玉米蒸腾速率(47.4 mg m(-2)s(-1))比FD处理(31.7 mg m(-2)s(-1))高50%,这并不奇怪。 。同样,与FD处理(0.65 cm s(-1))相比,CDS处理(0.73 cm s(-1))的气孔导度大12%。 CDS处理的平均玉米单产为11.0 Mg ha(-1),FD处理的平均玉米单产为6.7 Mg ha(-1),单产提高了64%。与FD处理相比,CDS处理的用水效率也更高(11%)。因此,农作物在CDS处理中更有效地利用了氮和水,从而提高了生产率并改善了水质。 (C)2002 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:32]



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