首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives in Biology and Medicine >'Lost Your Superpower'? Graphic Medicine, Voicelessness, and Georgia Webber's iDumb/i.

'Lost Your Superpower'? Graphic Medicine, Voicelessness, and Georgia Webber's iDumb/i.

机译:“失去了你的超级大国”? 图形医学,无声,和格鲁吉亚韦伯的& i&哑子& / i&gt ;.

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Unlike deafness and disability, speech-related disorders-voluntary/involuntary voicelessness, mutism, and their imperatives-have largely remained undertheorized both as scholarship and praxis. Given the primacy and over-privileging of vision, a consideration of the nature of voice/voicelessness is critical and urgent. Framed in metaphysical, metaphorical, and existential terms, Georgia Webber's graphic memoir Dumb (2018), which narrates the protagonist's temporary loss of voice, is perhaps the first graphic medical text that coheres around issues related to voice/voicelessness in its entirety. Taking these cues, the present article, after briefly reviewing the significance of voice in human life and the relationship between voice and identity, provides a close reading of how Webber negotiates her lost acoustical agency in an otherwise abundant soundscape. Intriguingly, Webber also utilizes her voicelessness as a metaphor to reflect on her own marginality in an ableist society. Finally, the essay explores how Dumb projects drawing/comics-making and self-care as recuperative projects that not only help Webber to process her suffering caused by voicelessness but also aid her in reclaiming her lost voice and to acuminate practices of self-preservation.
机译:与聋人和残疾不同,语音相关的疾病 - 自愿/无意识的声音,互动度以及他们的意义会在很大程度上被视为奖学金和普拉西斯。鉴于愿景的最初和过度特权,对语音/无声度的性质的考虑至关重要和紧急。格鲁吉亚Webber的Graphic Memoir Dumb(2018)叙述了主角暂时失去声音的形而上学,隐喻和存在的术语,也许是第一个与其全部内容相关的语音/无声的问题的第一个图形医学文本。在简要审查人类生活中的声音和语音与身份之间关系的简要审查语音的重要性之后,提出这些提示,提供了韦伯在诸如丰富的声景中谈判她丢失的声学机构的密切阅读。有趣的是,Webber还利用她的无声,作为一个比喻,以反映自己在一个能力的社会中的边缘性。最后,这篇文章探讨了如何将愚蠢的项目绘制/漫画制作和自我照顾作为恢复项目,不仅可以帮助Webber来处理由无声度造成的痛苦,而且还帮助她回收她丢失的声音和敏锐的自我保存实践。



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