
Biomaster Antimicrobial Treatment Range


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Addmaster pioneered the modern day use of silver-ion technology and is recognised as the world's leader in this field. The benefits of silver as a natural antimicrobial, however, have been known since the time of the Pharaohs. Silver has been used for thousands of years to prevent the growth of bacteria without the high toxicity associated with other metals. In ancient Greece, Hippocrates, often called the Father of Medicine, wrote that silver had both healing and anti-disease properties. In the Middle Ages, the wealthy would feed their children using a silver spoon to give them protection against disease. American pioneers travelling west kept their water and milk fresher for longer by putting a silver coin in the storage barrels, and early settlers in Australia placed silver forks or spoons into their water tanks in order to keep the water clean. Up until the introduction of antibiotics in 1938, colloidal silver was used by physicians as a mainstream antibiotic treatment. More recently, NASA used it to purify water on the space shuttle.



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