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Persistent Environmental Stress Delayed the Recovery of Marine Communities in the Aftermath of the Latest Permian Mass Extinction


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The aftermath of the latest Permian mass extinction is a key interval for the evolution of modern marine ecosystems. It has been hypothesized that the magnitude of the mass extinction delayed the subsequent recovery, and so to test this, we undertook the highest resolution study to date of the post-extinction (Griesbachian) microbialite unit on the Great Bank of Guizhou, south China. The benthic community from the microbialite unit is taxonomically diverse when compared to other coeval deposits, recording both inarticulate and articulate brachiopods, crinoids, echinoids, bivalves, gastropods, microconchids, and ostracods. Here we recognize 49 taxa from 4,557 individuals, which raise the known diversity of the Great Bank of Guizhou basal microbialite unit to 84 invertebrate species, making it the most diverse Early Triassic community currently reported. About 89% of the genera are Permian holdovers, whilst only 13% of the species are Permian holdovers. These new data record no temporal trends in the species richness, Simpson diversity, Simpson effective diversity, taxonomic distinctness, functional diversity, or body size of the benthos during the post-extinction microbialite unit. Nevertheless, the small body sizes of the benthic community, prevalence of opportunistic taxa (e.g., Claraia), and the large lophophoral cavity in the lingulid brachiopod, Sinolingularia huananensis, suggests that these animals lived in a highly stressed environment. We propose that the microbialite unit contains a survival fauna in an interval that represents persistent environmental stress from the latest Permian mass extinction event, associated with deoxygenation, high temperatures, elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels (pCO_2), and elevated primary productivity.
机译:最新的二叠纪大规模灭绝的后果是现代海洋生态系统演变的关键间隔。已经假设了大规模灭绝的幅度延迟了随后的恢复,因此测试了这一点,我们对欧州市贵州伟大银行的灭绝后(Gresbachian)微生物单位的最高分辨率研究。与其他辅助沉积物相比,来自微生物单位的底栖群体是划分的循环群落,记录inarticulate和铰接式腹腔,小屈曲,echinoids,偏心,胃料,微核螺旋和ostracod。在这里,我们认识到4,557个个人的49个分类群,将贵州基础微生物单位的大岸基的已知多样性提高到84个无脊椎动物物种,使其成为目前报告的最多样化的早期三叠叠社区。大约89%的属于二叠纪举办,同时只有13%的物种是二叠纪举报。这些新数据记录了物种丰富,辛普森多样性,辛普森有效的多样性,分类学明显,功能多样性,底栖物质后的微生物间单位。然而,底栖群落的小体尺寸,机会主义分类群(例如,克拉西亚)和Lingulid Brachiopod,Sinolingularia Huananensis的大rophophoral腔,表明这些动物在一个高度压力的环境中生活。我们提出微生物单位含有生存的动物群,其间隔是从最新的二叠纪质量消灭事件的持续环境压力,与脱氧,高温,高温升高的大气二氧化碳水平(PCO_2)相关,并提高初级生产率。



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