首页> 外文期刊>Systems biology in reproductive medicine >Luteal-phase ovarian stimulation increases the number of mature oocytes in older women with severe diminished ovarian reserve

Luteal-phase ovarian stimulation increases the number of mature oocytes in older women with severe diminished ovarian reserve


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In older women with severe diminished ovarian response (DOR), in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment is much less successful due to the low number of mature oocytes collected. The objective of this study was to assess whether follicular-phase stimulation (FPS) and luteal-phase stimulation (LPS) in the same menstrual cycle (double ovarian stimulation) in older women with severe DOR will produce a higher number of oocytes compared to FPS alone. Women with DOR (n=69; mean age=42.4) who underwent double ovarian stimulation for IVF were included. Women underwent ovarian stimulation in FPS using clomiphene citrate, letrozole, and gonadotropins followed by oocyte retrieval. The next day following oocyte retrieval, women underwent a second ovarian stimulation (LPS) using the same medications followed by a second oocyte retrieval. T-test was performed in order to compare the clinical characteristics and outcome in the same participant between FPS and LPS. Although antral follicle count at the start of FPS tended to be higher than at the start of the LPS cycle, there was no statistically significant difference between the duration of ovarian stimulation, peak estradiol levels, number of small (14mm) or large ( 14mm) follicles, the total number of oocytes retrieved, or the total number of mature oocytes. Each woman had double the number of mature oocytes collected following a double ovarian stimulation compared to FPS alone. The addition of LPS to the conventional FPS increases the number of mature oocytes retrieved in the same IVF cycle, thus potentially increasing the chances of pregnancy in older women with severe DOR.Abbreviations: AFC: antral follicle count; BMI: body mass index; DOR: diminished ovarian reserve; E2: estradiol; FPS: follicular-phase stimulation; FSH: follicle stimulating hormone; GnRH: gonadotropin-releasing hormone; HCG: human chorionic gonadotropin; IRB: institutional review board; IVF: in vitro fertilization; LH: luteinizing hormone; LPS: luteal-phase stimulation; MII: metaphase II
机译:在卵巢反应(DOR)严重减少的老年女性中,由于收集的成熟卵母细胞数量较少,体外施肥(IVF)治疗得多。本研究的目的是评估与FPS相比,患有严重DOR的同等月经周期(双卵巢刺激)中的卵泡相刺激(FPS)和肺相刺激(LPS)是否会产生更高数量的卵母细胞独自的。患有DOR的妇女(n = 69;平均年龄= 42.4)均包括双卵巢刺激的IVF。使用Clomiphene柠檬酸盐,Letrozole和促性腺激素随后进行卵母细胞检索,妇女在FPS中接受卵巢刺激。第二天在卵母细胞检索后,女性使用相同的药物进行第二个卵巢刺激(LPS),然后是第二个卵母细胞检索。进行T检验,以比较FPS和LPS之间同一参与者的临床特征和结果。虽然在FPS的开始时antral卵泡计数趋于高于LPS循环开始,但在卵巢刺激,峰雌二醇水平的持续时间之间没有统计学显着差异,小(14mm)或大( 14mm)卵泡,检索卵母细胞的总数,或成熟卵母细胞的总数。与单独的FPS相比,每个妇女在双卵巢刺激后收集的成熟卵母细胞的数量增加了两倍。将LPS添加到常规FPS中增加了在同一IVF周期中检索的成熟卵母细胞的数量,从而潜在地增加了严重Dor.Abbreviations:AFC:Antral卵泡计数的妊娠期妊娠的机会; BMI:体重指数; DOR:卵巢储备减少; E2:雌二醇; FPS:卵泡相刺激; FSH:卵泡刺激激素; gnrh:促进促促释放激素; HCG:人类绒毛膜促性腺激素; IRB:机构审查委员会; IVF:体外施肥; LH:叶黄素激素; LPS:肺相刺激; MII:Metaphase II



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