首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment: An International Journal for Scientific Research on the Relationship of Agriculture and Food Production to the Biosphere >Patterns of variation in vascular plant species richness and composition in SE Norwegian agricultural landscapes

Patterns of variation in vascular plant species richness and composition in SE Norwegian agricultural landscapes


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Plant species richness and composition were studied in 16 1 km2 agricultural landscape plots in SE Norway, in which a total of 2201 patches of 18 types (built-up areas omitted) were identified and mapped. Plots differed with respect to area covered byploughed land (6-93, mean 47%) and woodland (1-90, mean 41%), while the area of boundary transitions, pastures and semi-natural land was low to moderate in all plots (2-22, mean 12%). Landscape complexity varied considerably among plots (from 31 to 285discrete patches). A total of 738 species were recorded in the total studied area of 14.02 km2, more than twice as many as in comparable studies with plot-based sampling. The frequency distribution of species in patches were strongly right-skewed with amedian frequency of 1%, showing that in the modern agricultural landscape species are patchily distributed and that it is very common to be rare. Species frequencies in plots were bimodally distributed, demonstrating existence of a large group of regionally widespread, landscape-scale core species. Two major floristic gradients were identified by ordination of patch species composition: (1) a gradient from species with preference for open sites and fertile soils to species with tolerance for shaded sites and infertile soils, reflecting variation from intensively used areas (ploughed land, with prominence of weeds) via boundary transitions, extensively used (pastures) and abandoned (semi-natural) land, to woodland. Within ploughed land this gradient reflected variation in intensity of use, within abandoned land it reflected time since abandonment and the re-growth succession under closing canopies. (2) A gradient related to preference for dry versus moist sites. Strong between patch variation in species composition within patch types suggested that factors other than those used to delimitate land type were also important determinants of the species composition. Patterns of variation in species composition and species richness were found to differ among scales and the implications of this result are discussed.
机译:在挪威东南部的16个1 km2的农业景观区中研究了植物物种的丰富度和组成,其中共识别和绘制了18种类型的2201个斑块(已建成区)。在耕地覆盖面积(6-93,平均47%)和林地覆盖面积(1-90,平均41%)上,地块有所不同,而边界过渡,牧场和半自然土地的面积在所有地块中都低至中等。 (2-22,平均12%)。地块之间的景观复杂性差异很大(从31到285个离散斑块)。在总共研究的面积14.02 km2中记录了总共738种,是基于样地的可比研究的两倍多。斑块中物种的频率分布强烈偏斜,中间频率为1%,这表明在现代农业景观中,物种分布不规则,并且非常罕见。样地中的物种频率是双峰分布的,表明存在着一大批区域性分布的景观尺度核心物种。通过对斑块物种组成的排序确定了两个主要的植物学梯度:(1)从偏爱开放场所和肥沃土壤的物种到对阴暗场所和不育土壤具有耐受性的物种的梯度,反映了集约化使用区域(耕地,杂草突出)通过边界过渡,广泛使用(草场)和废弃(半自然)土地到林地。在耕地中,该梯度反映了使用强度的变化,在荒地中,该梯度反映了自废弃和封闭林冠下的重新生长演替以来的时间。 (2)与相对干燥和潮湿位置的偏爱有关的梯度。斑块类型内物种组成的斑块变化之间存在强烈的联系,这表明除用于划定土地类型的因素外的其他因素也是物种组成的重要决定因素。发现物种组成和物种丰富度的变化模式在各个尺度上是不同的,并讨论了这一结果的含义。


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