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Sub-regions of the dorsal raphe nucleus receive different inputs from the brainstem


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The dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) through its extensive efferent projections has been implicated in a great variety of physiological and behavioral functions including the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. This nucleus is composed of five sub-regions defined according to the distribution of its serotonergic (5-HT) neurons. In addition to its heterogeneity in neuronal populations, the DRN contains a great diversity of 5-HT neuronal subtypes identified based on their electrophysiological characteristics, morphology and subregional distribution. This suggests that the DRN sub-regions may play different functional roles. Recent studies reported long-range inputs specific to the 5-HT neurons of the DRN; but they did not differentiate whether some inputs were specific to a DRN sub-region, or another region. To fulfill this gap, we have previously described the forebrain afferents to the different sub-regions of the DRN using cholera toxin b subunit and Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin, as retrograde and anterograde tracers respectively. In the present work, we provide a detailed map of the brainstem projections to these different sub-regions. We show that if some brainstem structures project homogeneously to all sub-regions, most of the brainstem long-range inputs project in a topographically organized manner onto the DRN and, moreover, that a rich interconnected network is present within the DRN. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:通过其广泛的传出投影的背部Raphe核(DRN)涉及各种生理和行为功能,包括睡眠唤醒循环的调节。该细胞核由根据其血清奈良菌(5-HT)神经元的分布定义的五个子区域组成。除了神经元群体的异质性之外,DRN含有基于它们的电生理学特征,形态和次区域分布鉴定的巨大多样化的5-HER神经元亚型。这表明DRN子区域可能发挥不同的功能角色。最近的研究报告了特异于DRN的5-HT神经元的远程输入;但它们并没有区分某些输入是否特定于DRN子区域,或其他地区。为了满足这种间隙,我们之前使用霍乱毒素B亚基和Phaseolus-Leucoagglutinin将前脑引入DRN的不同子区域,分别作为逆行和胎面跟踪器。在本工作中,我们提供对这些不同子区域的脑干投影的详细地图。我们表明,如果某些脑干结构均匀地向所有子区域突出,大多数脑干长距重输入以拓扑组织的方式以拓扑组织的方式突出,而且,在DRN内存在丰富的互连网络。 (c)2018 Elsevier B.v.保留所有权利。



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