首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Parasitology >New genera and species of paramphistomes (Digenea: Paramphistomoidea: Cladorchiidae) parasitic in fishes from the Amazon basin in Peru

New genera and species of paramphistomes (Digenea: Paramphistomoidea: Cladorchiidae) parasitic in fishes from the Amazon basin in Peru


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Two new genera and three new species of paramphistomoid digeneans are described in the family Cladorchiidae Fischoeder, 1901 from doradid, heptapterid, pimelodid and pseudopimelodid fishes in the Amazon River in Peru. Goeldamphistomum amazonum n. g., n. sp. (type-species) from Goeldiella eques (Muller & Troschel) (type-host) and Tenellus trimaculatus (Boulenger), and Goeldamphistomum peruanum n. g., n. sp. from Duopalatinus peruanus Eigenmann & Allen (type-host), Calophysus macropterus (Lichtenstein) and Microglanis sp. are placed in the Dadayiinae Fukui, 1929. Both species have an accessory acetabular sucker, which distinguishes the genus from all taxa previously reported from South American freshwater fishes. They differ from each other primarily in that G. amazonum has a prebifurcal genital pore and oblique, separated testes, the levels of which rarely overlap longitudinally, whereas G. peruanum has a postbifurcal genital pore and testes directly to obliquely tandem. Iquitostrema papillatum n. g., n. sp. (Kalitrematinae Travassos, 1933) from the intestine of Hassar orestis (Steindachner) differs from other members of the subfamily in the combination of a massive acetabulum with a papillate luminal surface and symmetrical testes which overlie the caeca close to the caecal arch. These are the first records of paramphistomes from the five host species studied here.
机译:在秘鲁的亚马逊河的亚马逊河中,1901年,1901年,1901年,在1901年,1901年描述了两种新属和三种新的校合体DigeNean。 GoeldamphistomumaMazonum n。 g。,n。 SP。 (型物种)来自甲尔德拉等官(Muller& troschel)(类型主持人)和tenellus trimaculatus(boulenger),和戈尔雅氏菌羽毛菌。 g。,n。 SP。来自Duopalatinus eigenmann& Allen(类型宿主),Calophysus Macropterus(Lichtenstein)和Microglanis SP。被置于1929年的Dadayiinae Fukui。两种物种都有辅助髋臼吸盘,其区别于从南美淡水鱼中报告的所有征集的所有分类群。它们彼此不同,主要在于G.AzaxOnum具有养殖毛孔和倾斜,分离的睾丸,其水平很少纵向重叠,而G.白天具有过分的生殖器孔和直接倾斜地睾丸。 iquitostrema papillatum n。 g。,n。 SP。 (Kalitematinae Travassos,1933)来自哈斯塔尔Orestis(Steindachner)的肠道与亚家族的其他成员不同于巨大的髋臼与乳头腔表面和对称睾丸的组合,这些睾丸靠近粘齿拱的CAECA。这些是来自这里研究的五种宿主物种的第一级参数的第一个记录。



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