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Design of fuzzy logic system framework using evolutionary techniques


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Designing fuzzy logic system is one of the most popular and research-demanding NP-hard problems. It involves numerous parameters like shape and location of fuzzy sets, antecedents and consequents of fuzzy rule base and other strategic parameters like aggregation, implication and defuzzification methods. Time series forecasting has also become increasingly popular for the applications like share market prediction, weather forecasting. Many researchers have investigated the use of fuzzy logic system for forecasting of time series. In this paper, the authors have investigated the design framework of fuzzy logic systems for forecasting benchmark Mackey-Glass time series. Designing fuzzy logic systems is a class of NP-hard problems which is evolved using most popular and recent evolutionary algorithms. Authors have evolved fuzzy logic system using genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, artificial bee colony optimization, firefly algorithm and whale optimization algorithm. Finally, from simulations, it is found that whale optimization algorithm requires less time and shows fuzzy system predictions are more precise than others.
机译:设计模糊逻辑系统是最受欢迎和最苛刻的NP难题之一。它涉及许多参数,如模糊套件,前一种的模糊套,防眩功能和模糊群地相影的位置和不同的战略参数,如聚集,含义和Defuzzzification方法。时间序列预测也越来越受应用的应用程序,如股市预测,天气预报。许多研究人员研究了模糊逻辑系统进行时间序列的预测。本文研究了预测基准Mackey-Glass时间序列的模糊逻辑系统的设计框架。设计模糊逻辑系统是一类NP - 硬问题,使用最流行的最新进化算法演变。作者使用遗传算法,粒子群优化,人工蜂殖民地优化,萤火虫算法和鲸鲸优化算法进行了模糊逻辑系统。最后,从仿真中发现,鲸鱼优化算法需要更少的时间并且显示模糊系统预测比其他更精确。



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