首页> 外文期刊>Society and Natural Resources >'How Much Does Property Cost Up There?': Exploring the Relationship between Women, Sustainable Farming, and Rural Gentrification in the US

'How Much Does Property Cost Up There?': Exploring the Relationship between Women, Sustainable Farming, and Rural Gentrification in the US


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Using in-depth interviews with women engaged in sustainable farming in the western United States, this project explores an unanticipated finding: migration from an urban area to rural Prairie County was necessary for these farmers to secure farm land and sustain their farming operations. This article interrogates the role of migration in women's access to farmland as both an economic and cultural phenomenon. My findings highlight the necessity of migration for women's participation in sustainable farming and suggest that women's success in sustainable farming may align with the processes of rural gentrification, by which cultural and economic in-migrants amplify their social privilege and transform the values and economy of rural communities. This project, then, situates gender as a key structure to understanding both the classed dynamics of sustainable agriculture and rural gentrification.
机译:该项目采用深入访谈从事美国西部可持续农业的妇女,该项目探讨了一个意想不到的发现:这些农民为保护农民并维持其农业运营所需的城市地区向农村地区迁移到农村地区。 本文审核了迁移在妇女对农田的访问中的作用,因为都是经济和文化现象。 我的调查结果突出了妇女参与可持续农业的迁移的必要性,并建议妇女在可持续农业中的成功可能与农村更加绅士的过程保持一致,文化和经济因素放大其社会特权并改变农村价值观和经济 社区。 然后,该项目将性别作为理解可持续农业和农村绅士化的课堂动态的关键结构。



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