首页> 外文期刊>Society and Natural Resources >Farmers' Value Orientations, Property Rights and Responsibilities, and Willingness to Adopt Leopold's Land Ethic

Farmers' Value Orientations, Property Rights and Responsibilities, and Willingness to Adopt Leopold's Land Ethic


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This article examined relationships among value orientations (mutualism, domination), property rights, responsibility, and farmers' willingness to adopt Leopold's land ethic. Data were obtained from a mailed survey sent to Illinois farmers (n=974). Domination, mutualism, property rights, and responsibility were derived from previous research. The land ethic was measured using eight variables derived from direct quotes from Leopold. Structural equation models generally supported the hypothesized relationships. Mutualism, responsibility, and property rights predicted willingness to adopt the land ethic and accounted for 72% of the variance. Mutualism positively influenced responsibility and negatively influenced rights. Domination positively predicted rights, but did not influence responsibility. Value orientations explained 65% of the variance in responsibility and 17% in rights. Overall, findings suggested a connection between social psychologists' approach to mutualism/domination and Leopold's land ethic. Conservation efforts that tap into deeply held value orientations may result in lasting changes in farmer behavior.
机译:本文审查了价值取向(共同主义,统治),产权,责任和农民采用Leopold的土地伦理的关系。从发送给伊利诺伊州农民的邮寄调查(n = 974)获得数据。统治,共同主义,产权和责任源自以前的研究。使用来自Leopold的直接引号的八个变量测量土地伦理。结构方程模型通常支持假设关系。相互主义,责任和产权预测愿意采取土地伦理,占差异的72%。相互主义积极影响责任和负面影响的权利。统治积极预测的权利,但没有影响责任。价值取向解释了65%的责任方差和17%的权利。总体而言,调查结果表明了社会心理学家对共同主义/统治和利奥波德的土地伦理之间的联系。挖掘深度持有价值取向的保护努力可能导致农民行为的变化。



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