首页> 外文期刊>Society and Natural Resources >Adaptive Capacity of the Monterey Bay Wetfish Fisheries: Proactive Responses to the 2015-16 El Nino Event

Adaptive Capacity of the Monterey Bay Wetfish Fisheries: Proactive Responses to the 2015-16 El Nino Event

机译:蒙特雷湾河水渔业的自适应能力:到2015-16 El Nino活动的主动反应

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Natural resource sustainability depends on adaptive capacity: the latent ability of a social-ecological system to rely on or implement effective strategies to cope with disturbances. We propose and implement a new three-step framework for studying a social-ecological system's adaptive capacity that consists of assessment, strategy identification, and activation. We apply this framework to analyze the adaptive capacity of the Monterey Bay wetfish fisheries community in response to a significant stressor in the system: El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). We conducted 49 semi-structured interviews with participants engaged in these fisheries and/or providing ENSO information. Of the 67 social-ecological strategies identified through a literature review, we found 42 contribute to high adaptive capacity to ENSO. The most influential strategies were matching formal and informal rules to system dynamics, diversifying livelihoods, enhancing economic safety nets, social learning, and accessing early warning systems. Our findings suggest approaches for enhancing adaptive capacity in other resource systems.
机译:自然资源可持续性取决于适应能力:社会生态系统依赖或实施应对骚乱的有效策略的潜在能力。我们提出并实施了一个新的三步框架,用于研究社会生态系统的自适应能力,包括评估,战略识别和激活。我们将本框架应用于蒙特利湾河水渔业社区的自适应能力,以应对系统中的一个重要压力:El Nino Southern振荡(ENSO)。我们与参与这些渔业和/或提供ENSO信息的参与者进行了49个半结构化访谈。通过文献综述确定的67次社会生态策略,我们发现42有助于对ENSO的高自适应能力。最有影响力的策略与系统动态,多样化生计,增强经济安全网,社会学习和访问预警系统进行多样化的规则。我们的研究结果表明了提高其他资源系统的适应能力的方法。



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