首页> 外文期刊>Sexually transmitted diseases >In Peru, Reporting Male Sex Partners Imparts Significant Risk of Incident HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infection: All Men Engaging in Same-Sex Behavior Need Prevention Services.

In Peru, Reporting Male Sex Partners Imparts Significant Risk of Incident HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infection: All Men Engaging in Same-Sex Behavior Need Prevention Services.


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Detailed information on the sexual behavior of bisexual, non-gay-identified men and the relationship between same-sex behavior and HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) incidence is limited. This study provides information on the sexual behavior with male partners of non-gay-identified men in urban, coastal Peru and the relationship of this behavior with HIV/STI incidence.We analyzed data from 2146 non-gay-identified men with a baseline and then 2 years of annual follow-up, including detailed information on sexual behavior with up to 5 sex partners, to determine the characteristics associated with bisexual behavior. Discrete time proportional hazards models were used to determine the effect of self-reported sex with men on subsequent HIV/STI incidence.Over the 3 study visits, sex with a man was reported by 18.9% of men, 90% of whom also reported sex with a female partner. At baseline, reported bisexual behavior was associated with other sexual risk behaviors such as exchanging sex for money and increased risk of HIV, herpes simplex virus type 2, and gonorrhea. The number of study visits in which recent sex with men was reported was positively correlated with risk of other sexual risk behaviors and incident HIV, herpes simplex virus type 2, and gonorrhea. Recent sex with a man was associated with increased HIV/STI incidence (hazard ratio, 1.79; confidence interval, 1.19-2.70), after adjusting for sociodemographics and other sexual risk behaviors.Given the prevalence of recent sex with men and the relationship of this behavior with HIV/STI incidence, interventions with non-gay-identified men who have sex with men and their partners are warranted.
机译:关于双性恋,非同性恋的男性的性行为以及同性学行为与艾滋病毒/性感感染(STI)发病率的详细信息有限。本研究提供了有关城市,沿海秘鲁的非同性恋男子的男性合作伙伴的性行为的信息,以及这种行为与艾滋病毒/ STI的关系的关系。我们分析了2146名非同性恋鉴定男性的数据,并提供了基线和然后是2年的年度随访,包括最多5名性行为的性行为的详细信息,以确定与双性恋行为相关的特征。离散时间比例危害模型用于确定随后的艾滋病毒/ STI发生率的自我报告的性行为的影响。3个研究访问,18.9%的男性与男子进行性关系,其中90%也报告了性别与女性伴侣。在基线时,报告的双性恋行为与其他性风险行为有关,例如交换性钱的性别和艾滋病毒的风险增加,单纯疱疹病毒2型和淋病。据报道,近期与男性的性别的学习访问数量与其他性风险行为和事件HIV的风险正相关,单纯疱疹病毒2型和淋病。近期与男性的性关系与HIV / STI发病率增加有关(危险比,1.79;置信区间,1.19-2.70),在调整社会主干和其他性风险行为之后。使近期性行为与男性的患病率和这个关系有艾滋病毒/ STI发病的行为,有必要与与男性和合作伙伴发生性关系的非同性恋鉴定的男性的干预措施。



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