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The lattice of ai-semiring varieties satisfying x(n) approximate to x and xy approximate to yx


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We study the lattice L((n, 1)) of subvarieties of the ai-semiring variety (n, 1) defined by xn x and xy yx. We divide L((n, 1)) into five intervals and provide an explicit description of each member of these intervals except [(2, 1), (n, 1)]. Based on these results, we show that if n - 1 is square-free, then L( (n, 1)) is a distributive lattice of order 2 + 2r+1 + 3r, where r denotes the number of prime divisors of n - 1. Also, all members of L((n, 1)) are finitely based and finitely generated and so (n, 1) is a Cross variety. Moreover, the axiomatic rank of each member of L((n, 1)) is less than four.
机译:我们研究由XN X和XY YX定义的AI-Semiring品种(n,1)的子根的晶格L((n,1))。 我们将L((n,1))分成五个间隔,并提供这些间隔的每个成员的明确描述,除了[(2,1),(n,1)]。 基于这些结果,我们表明,如果n - 1是无方形的,那么L((n,1))是订单2 + 2r + 1 + 3r的分布晶格,其中R表示n的主要除数的数量 - 1.还,L((n,1))的所有成员都是有限的,并且有限地产生,因此(n,1)是交叉品种。 此外,L((n,1))的每个成员的公理等级小于四个。



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