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Postharvest logistics performance of fresh fig varieties in Turkey


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Demand for fresh food is increasing day by day as people want to consume healthy, quality and fresh vegetables and fruits. So, the main mission of supply chains is to deliver secure and fresh food overcoming postharvest losses. Fresh fig is a kind of perishable fruit with is very short durability period. Diversification of fresh fig market and its trade will strengthen the status of fresh fig in domestic and international markets. Post harvest storage and transport (logistics) conditions cause various damage and quality losses in fresh figs that continue to ripen. Therefore, factors such as storage temperature, humidity, transport containers, water losses due to mechanical damage and vibration of vehicles are important. This project was conducted in order to determine the most appropriate fresh fig varieties as an exportation alternative to "Bursa Siyaht" and to demonstrate changes in quality during storage and shelf-life periods after storage. "Siyah Orak", "Goklop" and "1100" fig varieties at the Fig Research Institution in Aydin were used as materials. During harvest fruit were directly placed into their storage packages (into nespacks) and stored at 3 +/- 1 degrees C for 20 days in cold storage condition. In addition, the samples taken from cold storage were kept for two days at 20 degrees C to determine their shelf-life periods. During the studies in 2012, 2013 and 2014 the following data was collected: weight loss during storage and shelf-life periods, firmness by texture analysis, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, maturity rate, pH, L, a, and b skin and flesh color values. During the studies on storage and shell-life period, it was shown that the fruit harvested at their coloring stages of 2/3 and 1/3 of hard-ripe fig variety was more durable than other varieties. It was also concluded that since the fruit harvested during the ripening period when 1/3 of their skin get colored are so small, they can be commercialized with different packaging materials.
机译:随着人们希望消耗健康,品质和新鲜蔬菜和水果,对新鲜食物的需求正在增加。因此,供应链的主要使命是提供安全和新鲜的食物克服的波萨斯普遍损失。新鲜的无花果是一种易腐果实,具有很短的耐用时间。新鲜无图市场的多样化及其贸易将加强国内和国际市场新鲜无花果的地位。收获后储存和运输(物流)条件导致新鲜无花果中的各种损坏和质量损失,该无花果继续成熟。因此,储存温度,湿度,运输容器等因素,由于机械损坏和车辆振动而导致的水损失是重要的。进行该项目,以确定最合适的新鲜无花果品种作为“Bursa Siyaht”的出口替代品,并在储存后储存和保质期间的质量变化。 “Siyah Orak”,“Goklop”和“1100”无图Aydin的无花果品种用作材料。在收获期间,将果实直接置于其储存封装(进入Nepacks)中,并在冷储存条件下在3 +/- 1℃下储存20天。此外,在20℃下将从冷储存的样品保持两天,以确定其保质期。在2012年的研究期间,收集了以下数据:储存和保质期间的减肥,通过质地分析,全面可溶性固体,可滴定的酸度,成熟度,pH,A和B和B皮肤肉颜色值。在储存和壳生命周期的研究期间,表明在它们的着色阶段为2/3和1/3的成熟无花果多样化的水果比其他品种更耐用。还结论是,由于在成熟时期收获的水果,当其皮肤的1/3染色时,它们可以用不同的包装材料商业化。



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