首页> 外文期刊>Scandinavian journal of pain >NSAIDs relieve osteoarthritis (OA) pain, but cardiovascular safety in question even for diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, and celecoxib: what are the alternatives?

NSAIDs relieve osteoarthritis (OA) pain, but cardiovascular safety in question even for diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, and celecoxib: what are the alternatives?


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Citing the excellent editorial comment by Pekka Ma ntyselka 10 years ago in PAIN on the "Balancing act with geriatric pain treatment", World Health Organisation predicts that there will be 1.2 billion people above 60 years by 2025, 2 billion by 2050, and in the developed world the very old, aged 80+, is the fastest growing population group. Persistent pain, due to degenerative diseases, osteoarthritis (OA) in particular, becomes more prevalent as a person ages [1]. Comorbidities and polypharmacies increasingly pose dilemmas with increasing risks of interactions and serious side effects. Pain and dysfunction from OA are poorly relieved [2], but NSAIDs (traditional tNSAIDs and COX-2 specific inhibitors - COX-IBs) are still recommended as cornerstones in the pharmacological treatment of OA [3].
机译:Pekka Ma Ntyselka 10年前掌握了卓越的编辑评论,痛苦地对“平衡法案与老年痛苦治疗”,世界卫生组织预测,2025岁以上,2025岁以上的人数为120亿人,到2050年,并在其中 发达的世界古老的80岁以上,是增长最快的人口群体。 持续的疼痛,由于退行性疾病,特别是骨关节炎(OA),作为人类年龄的人变得更加普遍[1]。 随着相互作用的风险和严重的副作用,可融合和多药越来越多的困境。 OA的疼痛和功能障碍缓解效果很差[2],但仍然建议NSAIDS(传统的TNSAIDS和COX-2特异性抑制剂 - COX-IBS)作为OA的药理学治疗中的基石[3]。



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