首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Ecology >Spatial and temporal variation of fish assemblage in two intermittent streams in north-western Zimbabwe.

Spatial and temporal variation of fish assemblage in two intermittent streams in north-western Zimbabwe.


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This study examined the spatial and temporal variation in fish assemblage composition within two intermittent streams in north-western Zimbabwe. Eight sites were sampled during three different periods of flow. Twenty-five species in eight families, dominated by cichlids and cyprinids, were collected. Redundancy analysis (RDA) was used to explore the relationship between species and their environmental correlates. According to variation partition, 68.1% of assemblage variation was explained by both habitat and temporal variables. Most species were associated with large pools, whereas small species were associated with habitats that had gravel and boulders. The temporal aspect suggested a pattern associated with high catch per unit effort (CPUE) for the mormyrids, Clarias gariepinus and Labeo altivelis, during the early rain period. By comparison, the late rain period was associated with high CPUE for Labeo cylindricus, Labeobarbus marequensis, Chiloglanis neumanni and Oreochromis mortimeri, whereas the rest of the species had high CPUE during both the late rain and dry periods. The assemblage composition was more diverse during the late rain period. Refuge availability during the dry period appeared to be essential for the assemblage of the intermittent streams. Protection of these temporal habitats is therefore important in conserving fish assemblages within intermittent streams of the Lake Kariba area.
机译:这项研究研究了津巴布韦西北部两个间歇性溪流中鱼类组合组成的时空变化。在三个不同的流量周期中采样了八个位置。收集了八个科中的25种,其中以丽鱼科鱼和鲤鱼为主导。冗余分析(RDA)用于探索物种及其环境关联之间的关系。根据变异分区,栖息地和时间变量都解释了组合变异的68.1%。大多数物种与大型水池有关,而小型物种与具有砾石和巨石的栖息地有关。从时间的角度来看,在雨季初期,这种模式与蠕虫,枝aria(Clarias gariepinus)和Labeo altivelis的高单位捕获量(CPUE)有关。相比之下,晚雨期与Labeo cylindricus,Labeobarbus marequensis,Chiloglanis neumanni和Oreochromis mortimeri的CPUE较高有关,而其余物种在晚雨和干旱时期都具有较高的CPUE。在晚雨期间,组合物的组成更加多样化。干旱时期的避难所供应对于间歇流的聚集似乎至关重要。因此,保护​​这些临时栖息地对于保护卡里巴湖地区间歇性溪流中的鱼类种群很重要。



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