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Climate change scenarios and models yield conflicting predictions about the future risk of an invasive species in North America


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1 The pea leafminer Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) is an invasive species in North America and a serious economic pest on a wide variety of crops. We developed a bioclimatic envelope model (BEM) for this species and examined the envelope's potential location in North America under various future climates. 2 We compared the future bioclimatic envelopes for L. huidobrensis using either simple scenarios comprising uniform changes in temperature/precipitation or climate projections from general circulation models (GCMs). Our simple scenarios were: (i) an increase of 0.1pC per degree in latitude with a 20% increase in summer precipitation and a 20% decrease in winter precipitation and (ii) an overall increase of 3pC everywhere, also with the same changes in precipitation. For GCM-modelled climate change, we used the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis GCM (CGCM2) and the Hadley Centre climate model (HadCM3), each in combination with two scenarios from the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (A2 and B2). 3 The BEM results using the simple scenarios were more similar to each other than to the results obtained using GCM projections. The results were also qualitatively different (i.e. spatially different and divergent) depending on which GCM-scenario combination was used. 4 This modelling exercise illustrates that: (i) results using first approximation simple climate change scenarios can give predictions very different from those that use GCM-modelled climate projections (comprising a result that has worrying implications for empirical impact research) and that (ii) different GCM-models using the same scenario can give very different results (implying strong model dependency in projected biological impacts).
机译:1豌豆潜叶蝇Liriomyza huidobrensis(Blanchard)(Diptera:Agromyzidae)是北美的一种入侵物种,对多种农作物来说是一种严重的经济害虫。我们为该物种开发了生物气候包膜模型(BEM),并研究了在各种未来气候下该包膜在北美的潜在位置。 2我们使用简单的情景(包括温度/降水的均匀变化)或通用循环模型(GCM)的气候预测,比较了惠氏布鲁氏菌的未来生物气候范围。我们的简单场景是:(i)纬度每度增加0.1pC,夏季降水增加20%,冬季降水减少20%,(ii)各地总体增加3pC,而沉淀。对于以GCM为模型的气候变化,我们使用了加拿大气候建模与分析中心(CGCM2)和哈德利中心(HadCM)气候模型(HadCM3),它们分别结合了排放情景特别报告中的两种情景(A2和B2)。 3与使用GCM投影获得的结果相比,使用简单方案的BEM结果彼此更为相似。根据使用哪种GCM场景组合,结果在质上也有所不同(即在空间上不同且发散)。 4该建模练习说明:(i)使用一阶近似简单气候变化情景得出的结果可以提供与使用GCM模拟的气候预测(包含对经验影响研究具有令人担忧的结果的预测)非常不同的预测;以及(ii)使用相同场景的不同GCM模型可能会产生截然不同的结果(暗示模型对预计的生物影响具有很强的依赖性)。



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