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No Evidence of 'Weaponized Title IX' Here: An Empirical Assessment of Sexual Misconduct Reporting, Case Processing, and Outcomes


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Little is known about actual incidents of gender-based violence reported by college students or the campus adjudication process or outcomes of reported cases. Data from Annual Security Reports (ASRs) and Title IX Coordinators was used to examine the context, processes, and outcomes of reported incidents of sexual misconduct (N = 1,054) at institutions of higher education (IHEs) in a Mid-Atlantic state. Results showed that ASRs undercounted incidents of sexual misconduct. Few incidents reported to Title IX Coordinators resulted in a formal Title IX complaint, and fewer still resulted in a finding of responsibility or suspension/expulsion of the responsible student. The primary outcome of reports were victim services, not perpetrator punishments. Significant variability within and between IHE types was also uncovered. Findings suggest that better data collection as well as research on victim engagement in the Title IX complaint process and on sexual misconduct at community colleges and independent IHEs is needed.
机译:关于大学生报告的基于性别暴力的实际事件或报告案件的校园审判过程或结果的众所周知。年度安全报告(ASRS)和标题IX协调员的数据用于审查在大西洋中高等教育机构(IShe)在高大西洋中报告的性误导事件(n = 1,054)的背景,进程和结果。结果表明,ASR欠性不当行为的事件。据称IX协调员报告的一些事件导致正式称为IX投诉,仍然仍然导致认可责任或暂停/驱逐负责任的学生。报告的主要结果是受害者服务,而不是犯罪者处罚。 IHE类型内和IHE之间的显着变异也被揭示。调查结果表明,需要更好的数据收集以及在社区院校的标题IX投诉进程和性行为行为中的受害者参与研究。



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