首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural and Forest Entomology >Temptations of weevil: feeding and ovipositional behaviour of Hylobius warreni Wood on host and nonhost bark in laboratory bioassays

Temptations of weevil: feeding and ovipositional behaviour of Hylobius warreni Wood on host and nonhost bark in laboratory bioassays

机译:象鼻虫的诱惑:实验室生物测定中寄主和非寄主树皮中Hylobius warreni Wood的取食和排卵行为

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Abstract1 Warren root collar weevil Hylobius warreni Wood (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a long-lived, flightless insect native to coniferous forests across northern North America. Girdling by larval feeding causes significant mortality on young trees. The insect poses considerable challenges to reforestation.2 Adult weevils feed on all life stages of a variety of coniferous hosts prior to oviposition. Their relative feeding preferences, however, have not been quantified. Moreover, it is not known whether host bark influences oviposition behaviour.3 Feeding preferences of adult weevils were tested in both choice and no-choice laboratory bioassays using small branches from three conifers (lodgepole pine Pinus contorta var. latifolia, interior hybrid spruce Picea glauca x engelmannii, and Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii) and one deciduous tree (trembling aspen Populus tremuloides). Measurements included the surface area of bark consumed, rate of consumption, the number of days of feeding, and, in the no-choice assay, the number of eggs oviposited.4 Bark consumption was greatest on pine and Douglas-fir, followed by spruce. Little to no feeding occurred on aspen. Consumption did not vary between male versus female insects for any of the feeding metrics quantified.5 The presence of aspen branches did not inhibit feeding on any of the other species in the choice bioassays.6 The number of eggs laid by female insects did not differ significantly among tree species in the no-choice assay. Eggs were laid indiscriminately in the presence of all four host types.7 Results and opportunities for future research are discussed in the context of formulating new integrated pest management strategies for this insect, which is increasingly important in the period of reforestation subsequent to the mountain pine beetle epidemic in western Canada.
机译:沃伦(Warren)根领象鼻虫Hylobius warreni Wood(鞘翅目:Curculionidae)是一种长寿的,不会飞的昆虫,原产于北美北部的针叶林。幼虫摄食引起的缠结会导致幼树死亡。这种昆虫对造林提出了巨大挑战。2成年象鼻虫在产卵前会以各种针叶寄主的所有生命阶段为食。然而,它们的相对进食偏好尚未量化。此外,还不知道寄主树皮是否会影响产卵行为。3在选择和不选择的实验室生物测定中,使用来自三个针叶树的小树枝(黑松,松树松花变种,室内杂种云杉白云杉)对成年象鼻虫的摄食偏好进行了测试。 x engelmannii和Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii)和一棵落叶树(颤抖的白杨杨tremuloides)。测量包括树皮消耗的表面积,消耗率,进食天数,以及在无选择分析中产卵的卵数。4松树和花旗松的树皮消耗量最大,其次是云杉。白杨几乎没有进食。雄性和雌性昆虫之间的食用量在定量的任何饲养指标上均没有变化。5在选择的生物测定中,白杨树枝的存在不会抑制其他物种的摄食。6雌性昆虫产卵的数量没有差异在非选择分析中,树木之间的差异显着。在所有四种寄主类型下均无差别地产卵。7在为这种昆虫制定新的病虫害综合防治战略的背景下,讨论了未来的研究结果和机会,这在山松后的植树造林期间越来越重要加拿大西部甲虫流行。



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