首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural and Forest Entomology >Successful colonization, reproduction, and new generation emergence in live interior hybrid spruce Picea engelmanniixglauca by mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae

Successful colonization, reproduction, and new generation emergence in live interior hybrid spruce Picea engelmanniixglauca by mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae


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1 Although mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins are able to utilize most available Pinus spp. as hosts, successful colonization and reproduction in other hosts within the Pinaceae is rare. 2 We observed successful reproduction of mountain pine beetle and emergence of new generation adults from interior hybrid spruce Picea engelmanniixglauca and compared a number of parameters related to colonization and reproductive success in spruce with nearby lodgepole pine Pinus contorta infested by mountain pine beetle. 3 The results obtained indicate that reduced competition in spruce allowed mountain pine beetle parents that survived the colonization process to produce more offspring per pair than in more heavily-infested nearby pine. 4 We also conducted an experiment in which 20 spruce and 20 lodgepole pines were baited with the aggregation pheromone of mountain pine beetle. Nineteen pines (95%) and eight spruce (40%) were attacked by mountain pine beetle, with eight (40%) and three (15%)mass-attacked, respectively. 5 Successful attacks on nonhost trees during extreme epidemics may be one mechanism by which host shifts and subsequent speciation events have occurred in Dendroctonus spp. bark beetles.
机译:1尽管山松甲虫Dendroctonus erthoosae Hopkins能够利用大多数可用的松属植物。作为寄主,在松科内的其他寄主中成功定植和繁殖的情况很少。 2我们观察到山松甲虫的成功繁殖和室内杂种云杉云杉云杉的新一代成虫的出现,并将与云杉定居和繁殖成功相关的许多参数与附近的被山松甲虫侵染的寄主松松体进行了比较。 3获得的结果表明,云杉竞争的减少使在定居过程中幸存下来的山松甲虫父母每对产生的后代比在附近受更多病虫侵害的松树多。 4我们还进行了一项实验,用山松甲虫的聚集信息素诱饵20个云杉和20个黑松。十九只松树(95%)和八棵云杉(40%)被山松甲虫袭击,分别受到八只(40%)和三只(15%)的攻击。 5在极端流行期间对非寄主树的成功攻击可能是在Dendroctonus spp中发生寄主转移和随后的物种形成事件的一种机制。树皮甲虫。



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