首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural and Forest Entomology >Efficacy and mode of action of female-equivalent dispensers of pheromone for mating disruption of codling moth

Efficacy and mode of action of female-equivalent dispensers of pheromone for mating disruption of codling moth


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1 We evaluated the efficacy and mode of action of commercially available female-equivalent dispensers of pheromone for mating disruption of codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera Tortricidae). 2 Scentry fibres, but not Hercon flakes, were consistently as or more effective than Isomate C Plus dispensers when applied by hand at 50 dispensers per tree. 3 Individual Scentry fibres were slightly more attractive to male codling moth than Hercon flakes. 4 Efficacy of aerially applied Scentry fibres was equivalent to that of Isomate dispensers in disrupting male codling moth in 4-ha commercial apple plots. 5 Initial deposition and retention of aerially applied fibres were inefficient with approximately 44% formulation loss at application, poor rainfastness and a gradual loss of dispensers from tree canopies after application. 6 Male codling moths were captured in traps baited with lures containing 0.1 mg of pheromone and mated with tethered virgin females that were surrounded by eight fibres placed 30 cm away or 16 fibres placed 45 cm away in untreated plots and plots treated with a background of 50 Isomate dispensers per hectare. 7 A plausible explanation for mating disruption of codling moth by female-equivalent dispensers is competitive attraction without associated habituation and thus improving the effectiveness of these technologies will depend on maximizing the attractiveness of individual dispensers as well as the application density of dispensers per area of crop.
机译:1我们评估了市售雌性等效信息素分配器对苹果蛾蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)(鳞翅目鳞翅目)交配破坏的功效和作用方式。当以每棵树手工分配50个分配器时,2种香精纤维(而不是Hercon薄片)始终与Isomate C Plus分配器一样或更有效。 3单个Scentry纤维对雄性苹果d蛾的吸引力比Hercon薄片略强。 4空中施用的Scentry纤维在破坏4公顷商业苹果地块中的雄性苹果mo蛾方面的功效与Imateate分配器相当。 5空中施用纤维的初始沉积和保留效率低下,施用时约有44%的配方损失,耐雨性差,施药后从树冠上逐渐消失。在诱捕器中捕获了6只雄性苹果蛾,诱捕器诱捕含有0.1 mg信息素的诱饵,并与未经处理的地块和30厘米远处的8根纤维或16根距离45 cm处的16根纤维缠住的原始处女雌交配,背景为50每公顷等量分配器。 7与雌性同等分配器交配破坏苹果mo蛾的合理解释是没有相关习惯的竞争吸引力,因此,提高这些技术的有效性将取决于最大程度提高单个分配器的吸引力以及分配器在作物上的使用密度。



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