首页> 外文期刊>Lithos: An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry >Age constraints on high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphism and sedimentation in the Luk Ulo Complex (Java, Indonesia)

Age constraints on high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphism and sedimentation in the Luk Ulo Complex (Java, Indonesia)


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Pre-Cenozoic blueschist- and eclogite-facies rocks occur widely scattered in the central Indonesian region, possibly representing lateral equivalents of the same subduction zone. High-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) metamorphism is thought to have occurred during the Early Cretaceous, which however is only constrained by K-Ar ages. This study is part of a systematic re-investigation of the regional geochronological record of various metamorphic rocks from this belt and focuses on the Luk Ulo Complex in central Java. Rubidium-Sr multipoint isochrons of one eclogite, two epidote-glaucophane schists and one epidote amphibolite yielded Early Cretaceous (Aptian) ages of 119-117 Ma (+/- 0.6-0.8 Ma). These ages are similar to previously reported K-Ar results, indicating that the existing data had not significantly been compromised by extraneous Ar contamination. Relatively low peak metamorphic temperatures (ca. 400 degrees C) during the HP/LT stage suggest that the Rb-Sr isotopic system was not significantly affected by diffusive loss during cooling. The Rb-Sr ages most likely constrain the time of mica growth or recrystallization during high-pressure metamorphism. The matching ages of high-pressure and lower pressure rocks are attributed to inheritance, but mixing of rocks that originally had formed at the same time at different depths of the subduction complex cannot completely be ruled out yet. Rubidium-Sr white mica ages of eclogite- and blueschist-facies rocks from central Java are younger than those of similar rocks from the Western Sulawesi tectonic province (130-120 Ma), revealing a previously unknown age difference that had been hidden by the poorer precision of the K-Ar dataset. At this point, it remains unclear whether this age difference is related to processes operating within the same or in different subduction zones.
机译:前共生的布鲁斯和欧洲葡萄酒相连的岩石在印度尼西亚中心地区广泛散布,可能代表同一俯冲区的横向等同物。据认为,在早期白垩纪中据认为发生高压/低温(HP / LT)变质,然而仅受K-AR年龄的限制。本研究是系统重新调查这一腰带各种变质岩石区域地理学记录的一部分,并侧重于中爪哇省的卢罗复合体。 Rubidium-SR多点等氯的一个eNlogite,两个eBiCote-glaucophane Schists和一个eAcopherite产生早期白垩纪(APTIAN)岁月,119-117 mA(+/- 0.6-0.8 mA)。这些年龄类似于先前报告的K-AR结果,表明现有数据没有通过外来污染损害。 HP / LT平衡期间,相对低的峰变质温度(CA.400c)表明RB-SR同位素系统在冷却过程中没有显着影响差异损失。 RB-SR年龄最有可能在高压变质期间限制云母生长或重结晶的时间。高压和较低压力岩石的匹配年龄归因于遗传,但最初在俯冲复合物的不同深度同时形成的岩石的混合不能完全排除。来自中爪哇省的Eclogite-and Blueschist-Faces岩石的Rubidium-sr白云母岩石比西苏拉西根省(130-120 mA)的类似岩石,揭示了较贫穷人隐藏的以前未知的年龄差异K-AR数据集的精度。此时,它仍然不清楚这个年龄差是否与在相同或不同俯冲区域内操作的过程有关。



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