首页> 外文期刊>African Entomology >Oviposition patterns and egg mortality in Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus (Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), a biological control agent of Leucaena leucocephala (Fabaceae) in South Africa

Oviposition patterns and egg mortality in Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus (Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), a biological control agent of Leucaena leucocephala (Fabaceae) in South Africa

机译:南非白头翁(Fabaceae)的生物防治剂大眼棘(Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus(Chrysomelidae:Bruchinae))的产卵模式和卵死亡率

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Deliberately introduced for agroforestry, the invasive tree Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit (Fabaceae) is naturalized in several countries worldwide, including parts of South Africa. The seed beetle Acanthoscelid.es macrophthalmus (Schaeffer) (Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) was inadvertently introduced to several countries via contaminated seed, but was released as a biological control agent in South Africa. Although widely established in South Africa, its efficacy may be curtailed because damage is reputed to be confined to canopy-held seeds, with dehisced seeds escaping damage on the ground. To clarify the beetle's potential, we investigated: (i) its selection of oviposition sites when presented with pods bearing seeds, loose seeds and empty pods in different locations (canopy- versus ground-held); and (ii) the effect of seed location on egg mortality. The beetles oviposited on pods bearing seeds, loose seeds and empty pods in both locations but showed significant preferences for pods bearing seeds, regardless of location. Egg mortality was high (66 % overall) and caused largely by predation, but did not differ between canopy- and ground-held seeds. Dehisced seeds are thus more likely to escape damage due to the beetle's greater association withpods bearing seeds, which occur mostly in the canopy. While not affected by seed location, egg predation could affect beetle population densities. Although oviposition patterns and egg predation may constrain the efficacy of A. macrophthalmus, seed damage in relation to seed availability still needs to be quantified in the field.
机译:故意将其引入农用林业,在全世界的多个国家(包括南非的部分地区)都归纳了入侵树木Leucaena leucocephala(Lam。)de Wit(Fabaceae)。甲虫种子被无意地通过被污染的种子引入了几个国家,但在南非却作为生物防治剂被释放。尽管在南非已广泛建立,但其功效可能会降低,因为据称损害仅限于冠层保持的种子,而开裂的种子可逃避地面的损害。为了阐明甲虫的潜能,我们进行了以下研究:(i)在有种子的豆荚,松散的种子和空豆荚出现在不同位置(冠层与地面持留)的情况下,选择产卵位; (ii)种子位置对卵死亡率的影响。甲虫产卵在两个位置都有种子的豆荚,松散的种子和空豆荚上,但是无论位置如何,它们都显示出对带有种子的豆荚的明显偏爱。卵的死亡率很高(总体占66%),主要是被捕食引起的,但冠层和地面种子之间没有差异。因此,由于甲虫与带有种子的豆荚之间的关联性更大,因此开裂的种子更有可能逃脱损害,而这种情况大多发生在树冠中。尽管不受种子位置的影响,但鸡蛋的捕食可能会影响甲虫的种群密度。尽管产卵方式和捕食卵可能会限制大眼A.的功效,但仍需要在田间量化与种子可利用性相关的种子损害。



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