首页> 外文期刊>Nitric oxide: Biology and chemistry >The role of nitric oxide signaling in pulmonary circulation of high- and low-altitude newborn sheep under basal and acute hypoxic conditions

The role of nitric oxide signaling in pulmonary circulation of high- and low-altitude newborn sheep under basal and acute hypoxic conditions


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Nitric oxide (NO) is the main vasodilator agent that drives the rapid decrease of pulmonary vascular resistance for the respiratory onset during the fetal to neonatal transition. Nevertheless, the enhanced NO generation by the neonatal pulmonary arterial endothelium does not prevent development of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in species without an evolutionary story at high altitude. Therefore, this study aims to describe the limits of the NO function at high-altitude during neonatal life in the sheep as an animal model without tolerance to perinatal hypoxia. We studied the effect of blockade of NO synthesis with L-NAME in the cardiopulmonary response of lowland (580 m) and highland (3600 m) newborn lambs basally and under an episode of acute hypoxia. We also determined the pulmonary expression of proteins that mediate the actions of the NO vasodilator pathway in the pulmonary vasoactive tone and remodeling. We observed an enhanced nitrergic function in highland lambs under basal conditions, evidenced as a markedly greater increase in basal mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) and resistance (PVR) under blockade of NO synthesis. Further, acute hypoxic challenge in lowland lambs infused with L-NAME markedly increased their mPAP and PVR to values greater than baseline, whilst in highland animals under NO synthesis blockade, these variables did not show additional increase in response to low PO2. Highland animals showed increased pulmonary RhoA expression, decreased PSer188-RhoA fraction, increased PSer311-p65-NF kappa beta fraction and up-regulated smooth muscle a-actin, relative to lowland controls. Taken together our data suggest that NO-mediated vasodilation is important to keep a low pulmonary vascular resistance under basal conditions and acute hypoxia at low-altitude. At high-altitude, the enhanced nitrergic signaling partially prevents excessive pulmonary hypertension but does not protect against acute hypoxia. The decreased vasodilator efficacy of nitrerg
机译:一氧化氮(NO)是主要血管扩张剂,其驱动胎儿在胎儿期间呼吸发作的肺血管阻力的快速降低。然而,新生儿肺动脉内皮的增强不产生缺氧肺动脉高压在没有高海拔的进化故事的情况下。因此,本研究旨在描述在绵羊新生儿生命期间在高海拔地区的高空中的局限性,作为围产期缺氧的耐受性而没有耐受的动物模型。我们研究了在低地(580米)和高原(3600米)新生羊羔的心肺反应中没有L-Name封锁No合成的影响,并在急性缺氧的一集中。我们还确定了蛋白质的肺部表达,该蛋白质介导在肺部血管血管色调和重塑中的NO血管扩张途径的作用。在基础条件下,观察到在高地羊羔的高地羊羔中的增强的氮气功能,在没有合成的封锁下,基于平均肺动脉压(MPAP)和抗性(PVR)显着提高。此外,急性缺氧挑战在Lopland Lambs与L-name注入,显着增加了它们的MPAP和PVR到大于基线的值,而在没有合成阻断的高地动物中,这些变量没有显示出对低PO2的响应额外增加。高地动物表现出增加的肺rhOA表达,降低普华氏菌,普华永道增加,普华永道增加,相对于低地对照,普华永道311-P65-NF kappaβ倍数和上调的平滑肌A-actin。我们的数据携带,表明无介导的血管舒张对于在基础条件下保持低肺血管阻力和低空中的急性缺氧是重要的。在高海拔地区,增强的氮气信号传导部分可防止过度肺动脉高压,但不保护急性缺氧。 Nitrerg的减少血管扩张疗效



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