首页> 外文期刊>Natural Hazards >Development and validation of a storm surge forecasting/hindcasting modelling system for the extensive Rio de la Plata Estuary and its adjacent Continental Shelf

Development and validation of a storm surge forecasting/hindcasting modelling system for the extensive Rio de la Plata Estuary and its adjacent Continental Shelf

机译:广泛的Rio de La Plata河口及其相邻的大陆架风暴浪涌预测/ Hindcasting建模系统的开发与验证

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The Rio de la Plata (RdP) Estuary is affected by significant surges several times per year. This phenomenon has historically caused catastrophic water-level enlargements of up to 4.44 m, threatening and claiming human lives and producing major economic and material damages. The negative surges are less frequent, but when they do occur, inhibit the access to the principal harbors and waterways and disable the drinking water intakes of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (the Capital City of Argentina) with a population of more and 16 million people. Recent works suggest that the number and strength of the surge events have been increasing with time. Nevertheless, a state-of-the-art system for the forecast of those events is not available yet. In this work, the implementation of a numerical modelling system for the forecast/hindcast of storm surges and the associated currents in the RdP and the adjacent continental shelf are presented and validated. This pre-operational system is based on an adaptation of the CROCO community ocean model to solve the dynamics associated with the surge. The model was implemented using a set of routines written in open-source programming language (Linux and Python) to be cheap and efficient and to ensure an easy future transfer to the services responsible for the alerts. For a better representation of the regional atmospheric dynamics, wind speed and sea-level pressure used to force the simulations were corrected using direct observations collected at an oceanographic buoy anchored at the estuary. The model system performance in hindcast mode was quantified by comparison with observations from tidal gauges and current meters at several locations of the estuary and the adjacent shelf. Percent errors for water level over the whole estuary and currents in the intermediate and exterior estuary drove to average results of 8 and 13%, respectively. The skill scores resulted, on average, of 0.90 and 0.80, respectively. The model performance in both hindcast and forecast modes was evaluated during historical extreme storm surges. Results support the good performance of the model to simulate even extreme events with average skill scores of 0.97 and 0.92, respectively. Results are encouraging, particularly taking into account the limitations in the atmospheric forcing for the region, where only a relatively small number of direct observations are assimilated by the reanalysis and forecast models.
机译:里约热内卢(RDP)河口受到每年多次飙升的影响。这种现象在历史上引起了灾难性的水位增大,高达4.44米,威胁和声称人类的生命,并产生了主要的经济和重大损害。负浪涌不太频繁,但是当他们确实发生时,禁止进入主要港口和水道,并禁用布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)的大都会区的饮用水进展,人口越来越多为1600万人们。最近的作品表明,浪涌活动的数量和实力随着时间的推移而增加。尽管如此,尚未获得用于预测这些事件的最先进的系统。在这项工作中,提出并验证了用于预测风暴浪涌的预测/ HindCast和相关电流的数值建模系统和邻近的大陆架的实施。该预操作系统基于Croco Community海洋模型的适应来解决与激增相关的动态。该模型是使用以开放源编程语言(Linux和Python)编写的一组例程来实现,以便宜且高效,并确保将来转移到负责警报的服务。为了更好地代表区域大气动力学,使用在河口锚定的海洋浮标上收集的直接观察来纠正模拟的风速和海平压力。通过与河口和邻近架子的潮仪和当前仪表的观测相比,通过比较了Hindcast模式的模型系统性能。在整个河口和中间河口的整个河口和水平的百分比分别驱动到8%和13%的平均结果。平均的技能得分分别为0.90和0.80。在历史极端风暴浪涌期间评估了HindCast和预测模式的模型性能。结果支持模型的良好性能,以模拟甚至极端事件,分别具有0.97和0.92的平均技能评分。结果是令人鼓舞的,特别是考虑到该地区大气强迫的局限性,其中仅通过重新分析和预测模型同化相对较少的直接观察。



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