首页> 外文期刊>Aerosol Science and Technology: The Journal of the American Association for Aerosol Research >Size Distribution and Sources of Trace Metals in Ultrafine/Fine/Coarse Airborne Particles in the Atmosphere of Shanghai

Size Distribution and Sources of Trace Metals in Ultrafine/Fine/Coarse Airborne Particles in the Atmosphere of Shanghai


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Airborne particulate matter (PM) samples in 13 different size-fractions from 0.0283 to 9.92 μm were collected in winter of 2007 at three sites in Shanghai, China. The PM exhibited a bimodal distribution with a major mode in the fine particle size range (D_p = 0.2-1 μm) and a minor mode in the coarse range (D_p = 1-10 μm), suggesting that fine particle pollution is dominant in the Shanghai atmosphere. Trace metals in PM exhibited the following distribution patterns: (1) unimodal distribution in the fine fraction (Pb, Cd, Se, Sn, Bi, and Zn), (2) unimodal distribution in the coarse fraction (Mg, Al, Fe, Ca, Ba, Sr, Ge, Zr, U, and rare earth elements), (3) bimodal distribution, with one mode in the fine fraction and one in the coarse fraction (Cu, Mn, K, Ga, ,V, Rb, and Cs), and (4) multimodal distribution (Na, Ti, Cr, Co, As, Ni, Mo, Ag, W, Pt, Au, S, and Cl) throughout the entire aerosol size spectrum. In addition to these size distributions, Aitken modes due to local origins were also evident for Se, Sn, Cu, V, Ti, Cr, Co, As, Ag, Mo, and Pt, whose respective mass in the ultraflne particles (<0.1 μm) was 10,23,13,19,23,14,67,32,79,40, and 21%, with submicron mass median aerodynamic diameters (MMADs) in PM0.02-9.92 (except Pt). In particular, the MMADs for Co and Ag were <0.1 μm, which increase potential health issues. The measured distributions are believed to result from a combination of processes including local anthropogenic and natural sources, such as traffic, coal combustion, and the steel industry.
机译:2007年冬季,在中国上海的三个地点采集了13种不同尺寸的0.0283至9.92μm的空气中颗粒物(PM)样品。 PM表现出双峰分布,在细颗粒尺寸范围内(D_p = 0.2-1μm)具有主要模式,而在较粗颗粒范围(D_p = 1-10μm)内具有次要模式,这表明细颗粒污染占主导地位。上海的气氛。 PM中的痕量金属表现出以下分布模式:(1)细级分(Pb,Cd,Se,Sn,Bi和Zn)中的单峰分布,(2)粗级分(Mg,Al,Fe, Ca,Ba,Sr,Ge,Zr,U和稀土元素),(3)双峰分布,其中一种模式为细级分,一种模式为粗级分(Cu,Mn,K,Ga,V,Rb ,和Cs),以及(4)在整个气溶胶尺寸谱中的多峰分布(Na,Ti,Cr,Co,As,Ni,Mo,Ag,W,Pt,Au,S和Cl)。除这些尺寸分布外,对于超细颗粒中的各自质量(<0.1)的Se,Sn,Cu,V,Ti,Cr,Co,As,Ag,Mo和Pt,还由于局部起源而产生了Aitken模式。 μm)为10%,23%,13%,19%,23%,14%,67%,32%,79%,40%和21%,亚微米质量中位空气动力学直径(MMAD)为PM0.02-9.92(Pt除外)。特别是,Co和Ag的MMADs <0.1μm,这增加了潜在的健康问题。据信,所测得的分布是由包括当地人为和自然资源(例如交通,煤炭燃烧和钢铁工业)在内的多种过程相结合得出的。



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