首页> 外文期刊>Africa geoscience review >Groundwater potential of Basement rocks of parts of the Volta River Basin in Ghana

Groundwater potential of Basement rocks of parts of the Volta River Basin in Ghana


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The study area is located in a semi-arid region, within the Volta River Basin, covering approximately 30 000 km~2 in the Upper East and Upper West Regions of Ghana. A major drilling campaign took place in the study area between 1973 and 1979 by the Canadian International Development Agency collaborating with the Ghana Water and Sewerage Corporation. To date, these wells have alleviated the paucity of potable water in the study area. The main objective of this study is to investigate the groundwater occurrence and hydrogeological characteristics of the underlying basement rock aquifer within the Volta River Basin. Precambrian granites and migmatites, strewn with quartz-veins, pegmatites and fractures, underlie about 95 percent of the study area. Groundwater occurrence is closely linked to the extent, thickness, depth and degree of interconnection of these fractures. Most of these rocks are highly weathered, facilitating groundwater influx and storage into the fractures and decomposed zones. The average yields of hand pump wells and fuel pump wells are 25.6 m3 clay"' and 130 m~3 day~(-1), respectively. These yields can serve the domestic water needs of 560 and 2,800 people respectively on the basis of water use of 4.6 x 10~(-2) m~3 day~(-1) (10 imperial gallons) per day per person.
机译:研究区域位于伏尔塔河流域内的半干旱地区,在加纳的上东部和上西部地区覆盖约30 000 km〜2。 1973年至1979年,加拿大国际开发署与加纳供水与污水处理公司合作,在研究区进行了一次大型钻探活动。迄今为止,这些井已经减轻了研究区域的饮用水匮乏。这项研究的主要目的是研究伏尔塔河流域内地下基底岩石含水层的地下水发生和水文地质特征。前寒武纪花岗岩和辉锰矿遍布石英脉,伟晶岩和裂缝,占研究面积的95%。地下水的发生与这些裂缝的程度,厚度,深度和互连程度密切相关。这些岩石中的大多数都是高度风化的,有利于地下水涌入并存储到裂缝和分解区中。手动泵井和燃油泵井的平均产量分别为25.6 m3粘土和130 m〜3天〜(-1)。这些产量可分别满足560和2800人的生活用水需求每人每天使用4.6 x 10〜(-2)m〜3天〜(-1)(10英制加仑)。



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