首页> 外文期刊>Mycologia >New species and reports of Cuphophyllus from northern North America compared with related Eurasian species

New species and reports of Cuphophyllus from northern North America compared with related Eurasian species


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This study describes four gray or brown species of Cuphophyllus (Hygrophoraceae, Agaricales), two of them new species, restricted to arctic-alpine and northern boreal zones of North America, and relates them morphologically and phylogenetically using multigene and nuc rDNA internal transcribed spacer ITS1-5.8S-ITS (ITS barcode) analyses to their similar, known counterparts. Cuphophyllus cinerellus, epitypified here, is shown to be a pan-palearctic species with sequence-confirmed collections from Fennoscandia and easternmost Asia. Occupying a similar habitat in the Nearctic is its sister species, the morphologically similar but novel C. esteriae, so far known only from eastern North America, including Greenland. Sister to the C. cinerellus-C. esteriae lineage, and known only from boreal raised Sphagnum bogs in Newfoundland, is a new medium-sized light cinereous brown species, C. lamarum. It has a yellow stipe but is phylogenetically distant from the yellow-stiped European C. flavipes and its North American sister species, Hygrophorus pseudopallidus. As cryptic speciation was discovered within C. flavipes, we lecto- and epitypify the name and transfer H. pseudopallidus to Cuphophyllus based on ITS analysis of the holotype. We also transfer the small European Hygrocybe comosa to Cuphophyllus based on morphology. Cuphophyllus hygrocyboides is reported from North America with the first sequence-confirmed collections from arctic-alpine British Columbia and Greenland. In addition, sequencing the holotype of C. subviolaceus identifies it as the sister species to the putative C. lacmus. Both species seem to have an intercontinental distribution. In total, we add new sequences to GenBank from 37 Cuphophyllus collections, including the holotypes of C. hygrocyboides and C. subviolaceus, the two new epitypes, and the two novel species.
机译:本研究描述了四种灰色或棕色或棕色物种的uphophylus(Hygrophoraceae,Agaricales),其中两个新物种限制在北美的北极 - 高山和北部北部北部北部地区,并使用多烯和NUC RDNA内转录的间隔物与文化和系统发育。 -5.8S-ITS(其条形码)分析它们类似的已知对应物。在这里,古代古代化的Cuphophyllus cinerellus被证明是来自Fennoscandia和最东部的序列确认收集的Pan-PaleAnctic物种。占据了亲之间的类似栖息地是其姐妹物种,这是一个形态学相似但新的C. Eseriae,迄今为止,迄今为止,迄今为止仅从包括格陵兰在内的北美洲而闻名。姐姐到C. cinerellus-c。 Eseriae谱系,只有纽芬兰的Boreal凸起的Sphagnum Bogs,是一种新的中小型光线棕色物种,C.Lamarum。它具有黄色柄,但是来自黄色欧洲C. Flavipes及其北美姐妹种类,Hygrophorus假族的遥远的遥远。作为在C. flavipes中发现的神秘性的形态,我们的章程和截止名称和将H.Pseudopallidus转移到Cuphophyllus的基础上,基于其对麦克访的分析。我们还根据形态转移小欧洲Hygrocybe Comosa到uphophyllus。从北美报告uphophyllus hygrocyboides,来自北极 - 高山不列颠哥伦比亚省和格陵兰州的第一个序列确认的收藏品。此外,测序C. subviolaceus的全型鉴定它作为推定的C. lacmus的姐妹种类。这两个种似乎都有一个洲际分布。总共,从37个uphophylus系列中添加新序列,包括C. hygrocyboides和C. subviolaceus,两种新的eCICTPES和两种新种类的全型。



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