首页> 外文期刊>Molecular Immunology >In silico design of a vaccine candidate based on autotransporters and HSP against the causal agent of shigellosis, Shigella flexneri

In silico design of a vaccine candidate based on autotransporters and HSP against the causal agent of shigellosis, Shigella flexneri

机译:在基于自动转换器和HSP的疫苗候选疫苗候选者的硅设计中,对令人生畏的志膜病变,Shigella Flexeri

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Shigellosis is a diarrheal disease that causes high mortality every year, especially in children, elderly and immunocompromised patients. Recently, resistance strains to antibiotic therapy are in the rise and the World Health Organization prioritizes the development of a safe vaccine against the most common causal agent of shigellosis, Shigella flexneri. This pathogen uses autotransporter proteins such as SigA, Pic and Sap to increase virulence and some of them have been described as highly immunogenic proteins. In this study, we used immune-informatics analysis to identify the most antigenic epitope as a vaccine candidate on three passenger domains of auto-transporter proteins encoded on the pathogenic island SHI-1, to induce immunity against S. flexneri. Epitope identification was done using various servers such as Bepipred, Bcepred, nHLAPRED, NetMHCII, Rankpep and IEDB and the final selection was done based on its antigenicity using the VaxiJen server. Moreover, to enhance immunity, the GroEL adjuvant was added to the final construct as a Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) agonist. On the other hand, to predict the tertiary structure, the I-TASSER server was used, and the best model was structurally validated using the ProSA-web software and the Ramachandran plot. Subsequently, the model was refined and used for docking and molecular dynamics analyses with TLR2, which demonstrated an appropriate and stable interaction. In summary, a potential subunit vaccine candidate, that contains B and T cell epitopes with proper physicochemical properties was designed. This multiepitope vaccine is expected to elicit robust humoral and cellular immune responses and vest protective immunity against S. flexneri.
机译:令人骨悚然是一种腹泻病,每年导致高死亡率,特别是在儿童,老年人和免疫血肿患者中。最近,抗生素治疗的抗性菌株正在崛起,世界卫生组织优先考虑了对令人遗症的令人遗憾的疾病疫苗的发展,令人遗憾的是令人遗症的志氏菌氏菌病虫病最常见的原因。该病原体使用自同种植体蛋白如SIGA,PIC和SAP来增加毒力,其中一些已被描述为高度免疫原性蛋白质。在这项研究中,我们使用免疫信息分析,以鉴定最抗原表位作为在致病岛Shi-1上编码的自动转运蛋白的三个乘客领域的疫苗候选物,以诱导对抗S.Flexeri的免疫力。使用诸如Bepipred,BCEED,NHLAPRED,NETMHCII,RANKPEP和IEDB的各种服务器进行了表位鉴定,并且使用VAXIJEN服务器基于其抗原性完成最终选择。此外,为了增强免疫,将腹股沟佐剂作为Toll样受体2(TLR2)激动剂加入最终构建体中。另一方面,为了预测三级结构,使用I-Tasser服务器,使用ProSa-Web软件和Ramachandran Plot结构验证了最佳模型。随后,该模型被精制并用于对接和分子动力学分析与TLR2分析,其表现出适当且稳定的相互作用。总之,设计了含有具有适当物理化学性质的B​​和T细胞表位的潜在亚基疫苗候选物。这种多型疫苗疫苗预计将引发强大的体液和细胞免疫应答和背心保护免疫反对S. Flexneri。



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