首页> 外文期刊>Molecular biology and evolution >The Genome of Armadillidium vulgare (Crustacea, Isopoda) Provides Insights into Sex Chromosome Evolution in the Context of Cytoplasmic Sex Determination

The Genome of Armadillidium vulgare (Crustacea, Isopoda) Provides Insights into Sex Chromosome Evolution in the Context of Cytoplasmic Sex Determination


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The terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare is an original model to study the evolution of sex determination and symbiosis in animals. Its sex can be determined by ZW sex chromosomes, or by feminizing Wolbachia bacterial endosymbionts. Here, we report the sequence and analysis of the ZW female genome of A. vulgare. A distinguishing feature of the 1.72 gigabase assembly is the abundance of repeats (68% of the genome). We show that the Z and W sex chromosomes are essentially undifferentiated at the molecular level and the W-specific region is extremely small (at most several hundreds of kilobases). Our results suggest that recombination suppression has not spread very far from the sex-determining locus, if at all. This is consistent with A. vulgare possessing evolutionarily young sex chromosomes. We characterized multiple Wolbachia nuclear inserts in the A. vulgare genome, none of which is associated with the W-specific region. We also identified several candidate genes that may be involved in the sex determination or sexual differentiation pathways. The A. vulgare genome serves as a resource for studying the biology and evolution of crustaceans, one of the most speciose and emblematic metazoan groups.
机译:陆地等扶手渣耐瓜恒星是一种研究动物中性别测定和共生的演变的原创模型。它的性别可以通过Zw性染色体来确定,或通过女性化Wolbachia细菌indosomymbion。在这里,我们报告了A.Vuregare的Zw女性基因组的序列和分析。 1.72千兆基酶组件的显着特征是重复的丰富(68%的基因组)。我们表明,Z和W性染色体基本上在分子水平上无分化,W特异性区域非常小(至多几百千碱基)。我们的研究结果表明,如果有的话,重组抑制没有远离性别的轨迹远远差异。这与A. vulgare一致,具有进化的年轻性染色体。我们在A.Vulgare Genome中表征了多种Wolbachia核插入物,其中没有一个与W特定区域相关。我们还确定了几种可能参与性别测定或性分化途径的候选基因。 A.Vulgare Genome作为研究甲壳类动物生物学和演化的资源,是最具种类和象征的美唑烷组之一。



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