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The turtles from the upper Eocene, Osona County (Ebro Basin, Catalonia, Spain): new material and its faunistic and environmental context


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Eochelone voltregana n. sp. is a new marine cryptodiran cheloniid found at the Priabonian levels (latest Eocene) of the Vespella marls member of the Vic-Manlleu marls formation. It is the second cheloniid from Santa Cecilia de Voltrega (Osona County, Spain), the first one being Osonachelus decorata from the same formation. Shell parameters indicate that the new species belongs to a branch of sea turtles including the Eocene Anglo-Franco-Belgian forms Argillochelys, Puppigerus and Eochelone (the shell of the latter was studied here for the first time) as well as Glarichelys from the Oligocene of Switzerland, all of them predating the worldwide living Miocene genera. The description of two other more littoral-continental Eocene species is given: Trionyx sp., from an older layer of the same formation; and the podocnemidid erymnochelyine, Cordichelys from a more basal layer of a middle Eocene (Lutetian) formation. The last one is identified as the only evidence of the Shweboemys subgroup in the European record, being distinct from the other known Osona County pleurodire Eocenochelus farresi, which is a member of the Erymnochelys group (same subfamily), from the younger Priabonian Sant Marti Xic layer. Thus, an update on the marine turtle fauna of the eastern Ebro Basin that variably opened in the east during Eocene times is provided. The turtles of Osona County belong to two suborders and five genera with three new species and extend the known distribution of their families (LSID urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:48CE8676-7B82-4EF2-8165-27BEE90129F2).
机译:大象voltregana n。 SP。是一个新的海洋Cryptodiran Cheloniid,位于ViC-Manlleu Marls Marls Marls Marls Marls成员的Vespella Marls成员的vespella Marls成员身上。它是来自Santa Cecilia de Voltrega(西部县,西班牙)的第二个Cheloniid,来自同一地层的第一个是Osonachelus Decorata。壳参数表明,新物种属于海龟的分支,包括蚕轮侠 - 比利安,瞳孔,瞳孔,瞳孔和大戟(后者第一次在这里进行了研究),以及少茂的醇味瑞士,所有这些都在预测全球生活中间世代属。给出另外两个更多的沿陆欧群世种的描述:Trionyx SP。,来自同一地层的较旧层;和Podocnemidided erymnochelyine,来自中间何种梭典(Lutetian)形成的更基础层。最后一个被确定为欧洲记录中Shweboemys子群的唯一证据,与其他已知的Osona县普雷罗罗狄尔·埃拉雷斯(Pleurodire Eocenochelus farresi)不同,这是erymnochice集团(同一亚家族)的成员,来自年轻人费利亚尼斯Sant Marti XIC层。因此,提供了关于eChro盆地的海龟动物群的更新,该盆地在东部在东部时期在东部地区开放。 Osona County的乌龟属于两个副机和五个属于三个新物种,并扩展了他们家庭的已知分布(LSID URN:LSID:Zoobank.org:Act:48Ce8676-7B82-4EF2-8165-27BEE90129F2)。



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