首页> 外文期刊>Mineralogical Magazine >Polloneite, a new complex Pb(-Ag)-As-Sb sulfosalt from the Pollone mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy

Polloneite, a new complex Pb(-Ag)-As-Sb sulfosalt from the Pollone mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy

机译:Polloneite,来自Pollore Mine,Apuan Alps,Tuscany,意大利的新复杂PB(-Ag)-AS-SB Sulfosalt

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Polloneite, ideally AgPb46As26Sb23S120, is a new N = 4 member of the sartorite homologous series. It occurs in a matrix of baryte from the Pizzone level of the Pollone baryte-pyrite-(Pb-Zn-Ag) deposit at Valdicastello Carducci, near Pietrasanta, in the Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy, as anhedral grains up to 0.5 mm across. The mineral is opaque, greyish black with a metallic lustre. In reflected light polloneite is white, bireflectance is moderate. Internal reflections are absent. Under crossed polars, anisotropism is moderate with rotation tints in brown-violet and deep grey. The reflectance data (%, air) are: 30.2, 42.4 at 470 nm, 28.8, 41.0 at 546 nm, 27.9, 39.8 at 589 nm and 26.0, 37.4 at 650 nm. Mohs hardness is 3-3?, microhardness VHN50 exhibits a mean value of 200 kg mm-2. The average results of 15 electronmicroprobe analyses of three grains are Ag 0.71(5), Pb 52.05(21), As 10.61(22), Sb 15.40(12), S 21.16(8), total 99.92(15) wt.%, corresponding to Ag1.20Pb45.76As25.79Sb23.04S120.21 (on the basis of Me + S = 216 apfu). The simplified formula AgPb46As26Sb23S120 is in accordance with the results of a crystal structure determination. The calculated density is 5.77 g cm-3. Polloneite is monoclinic, space group P21, a = 8.413(2), b = 25.901(5), c = 23.818(5) ?, β = 90.01(3)°, V = 5189.8(18)?3, Z = 1. The strongest eight lines in the calculated powder-diffraction pattern [d in ?(I )hkl] are 3.795(100)(026), 3.414(60)(233), 3.238(69)(080), 3.020(97)(253), 2.922(82)(066), 2.738(73)(236), 2.375(79)(290) and 2.103(64)(400). Polloneite is a new N = 4 member of the sartorite homologous series with substantial Sb and small, but important, Ag content. It is a three-fold superstructure with a tripled unit-cell parameter, 7.9 ?, of sartorite homologues. In the As-Sb rich slabs, several types of crankshaft chains and isolated (As,Sb)-S polyhedra occur. A sequence of three different, tightly bonded double-layer fragments (broad ribbons) contains two asymmetric fragments with long crankshaft chains whereas the third fragment type, with Ag, contains small mirror-symmetrical metalloid groups and no crankshaft chains. This configuration can potentially cause order-disorder phenomena in the structure. The threefold superstructure and the mixed As-Sb character distinguish polloneite from veenite and from dufrénoysite, respectively.
机译:Polloneite,理想情况下AGP46AS26SB23S120,是一种新的N = 4成员的氏族同源系列。它发生在Poldicastello Carducci的Pollowane Baryte-pyrite-(Pb-Zn-Ag)沉积物的Pietrasanta附近的Pietrasanta,意大利托斯卡纳,托斯卡纳,意大利谷粒子粒度,作为腹向谷物,占腹谷谷粒,其发生在Poldone Baryte-Pyte-pycete-pickucci(Pb-Zn-Ag)沉积物。 。矿物质是不透明的,灰色黑色,金属光泽。在反射光花粉是白色的,Bireflectance是中等的。内部反射不存在。在交叉的地球下,各向异性是适度的,棕紫和深灰色的旋转色调。反射数据(%,空气)是:30.2,42.4,在470nm,28.8,41.0,27.8,39.8,27.9,39.8,在589nm和26.0,37.0,37.4,37.4,350nm。 MOHS硬度为3-3?,显微硬度VHN50表现出200kg mm-2的平均值。 3个晶粒的15个电子丙卟啉分析的平均结果是Ag 0.71(5),Pb 52.05(21),即10.61(22),Sb 15.40(12),S 21.16(8),总计99.92(15)重量%,对应于AG1.20PB45.76AS25.79SB23.04S120.21(在ME + S = 216 APFU的基础上)。简化的公式AGPB46AS26SB23S120根据晶体结构确定的结果。计算的密度为5.77g cm-3。花粉是单斜晶,空间组P21,A = 8.413(2),B = 25.901(5),C = 23.818(5)?,β= 90.01(3)°,V = 5189.8(18)?3,Z = 1 。计算出的粉末衍射图中最强的八条线[d In吗?(i)HKL]为3.795(100)(026),3.414(60)(233),3.238(69)(080),3.020(97) (253),2.922(82)(066),2.738(73)(236),2.375(79)(290)和2.103(64)(400)。 Polloneite是一个新的n = 4成员的氏族同源系列,具有大量的SB和小,但重要的AG含量。它是一种三倍的上部结构,具有三倍的单位细胞参数,7.9?,锡洛氏术同源物。在AS-SB丰富的板坯中,发生了几种类型的曲轴链和分离(如,Sb)的多面体。三种不同,紧密的双层片段(宽带)的序列含有两个具有长曲轴链的不对称片段,而具有Ag的第三片段型含有小的镜子对称的金属组,没有曲轴链。这种配置可能导致结构中的令序命令现象。三重上部结构和混合的AS-SB字符分别与Dufrénoysite分别与veenite和Dufrénoysite区分了Pollomeite。



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