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The challenge of external validity in policy-relevant systematic reviews: a case study from the field of substance misuse.


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AIM: To critically evaluate the methods utilized in the conduct of a systematic review in the field of substance misuse. DESIGN: Participant-observation in the review process, semi-structured interviews with review team members and management and structured observation of the process of guidance development. SETTING: An 'arm's-length' government body. PARTICIPANTS: Review team members, management and the committee responsible for producing evidence-based guidance for policy and practice. MEASUREMENTS: Data from interviews and (participant-)observation were reflected upon critically in order to increase understanding of the systematic review process. FINDINGS: The application of systematic review methods produced an evidence base that did not inform the development of guidance to the extent that it could have done: (i) an emphasis upon internal research validity produced an evidence base with an emphasis on short-term interventions at the level of the individual; (ii) criteria for appraising the external validity of studies were not developed sufficiently; and (iii) the systematic review of evidence and development of guidance are strongly reliant upon the judgement of reviewers and committee members. CONCLUSIONS: Prioritizing internal validity in a systematic review risks producing an evidence base that is not informed adequately by the wider determinants of health and which does not give sufficient consideration to external validity. The use of appropriate methods requires that commissioners of systematic reviews are clear at the outset how the review is proposed to be utilized. Review methods such as meta-ethnography and realist synthesis could contribute to making the frameworks within which judgements are made more explicit.
机译:目的:严格评估在滥用药物领域进行系统审查所使用的方法。设计:对评审过程中的参与者进行观察,对评审团队成员和管理层进行半结构化访谈,并对指南制定过​​程进行结构化观察。地点:一个“独立的”政府机构。参与者:审查团队成员,管理层和负责制定基于证据的政策和实践指南的委员会。测量:认真地反映了访谈和(参与者)观察的数据,以增进对系统评价过程的理解。结果:系统评价方法的应用产生了证据基础,但没有为指南的制定提供足够的证据:(i)强调内部研究的有效性产生了以短期干预为重点的证据基础在个人层面上; (ii)评价研究的外部有效性的标准不够充分; (iii)系统地审查证据和制定指南在很大程度上取决于审查者和委员会成员的判断。结论:在系统评价中优先考虑内部有效性可能会产生证据基础,而该基础不能被更广泛的健康决定因素充分告知,并且没有充分考虑外部有效性。使用适当的方法要求系统审查的专员从一开始就明确建议如何利用该审查。诸如元民族志和现实主义综合之类的评论方法可能有助于使做出更明确的判断的框架。



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