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Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein and Multiple Sclerosis


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Background: Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is located on the external surface of myelin, a membranous component of the central nervous system (CNS) that forms the insulating lipid layer around neurons. The major MOG splicing variant (a1 transcript) encodes a transmembrane protein with an extracellular domain of an Ig variable (IgV) fold. MOG IgV domains from the same or different cells dimerize and contribute to the organization and maintenance of the myelin sheath in neurons. The encepalitogenic T cells recognize MOG and its immunodominant epitopes (epitopes 1-22, 35-55 and 92-106 located at the dimer interface) as foreign antigens and cause the destruction of myelin (demyelination) leading to the clinical condition known as multiple sclerosis (MS). Recognition of the antigen takes place in the context of the trimolecular complex formed by HLA, MOGpeptides and TCR.
机译:背景:髓鞘寡核细胞糖蛋白(MOG)位于髓鞘的外表面上,中枢神经系统的膜组分(CNS),其形成神经元周围的绝缘脂层。 主要的MOG拼接变体(A1转录物)用IG变量(IGV)折叠的细胞外结构域编码跨膜蛋白。 来自相同或不同细胞的MOG IGV结构域二聚体并有助于神经元中髓鞘的组织和维持。 脑培训型T细胞识别沼泽及其免疫瘤表位(表位1-22,35-55和92-106位,位于二聚体界面处)作为外来抗原,并导致髓鞘(脱髓鞘)的破坏,导致称为多发性硬化症的临床病症 (多发性硬化症)。 识别抗原发生在由HLA,MOGPELPETES和TCR形成的三分络合物的上下文中进行。



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