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'The reborn eye transforms the old deed' Some thoughts about psychoanalytic identity and time


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A few Leitmotifs of a lifetime dedicated to psychoanalytic work are presented: The a priori assumption of psychoanalysis is that everything psychical - whether in patients or in ourselves, in culture and society, or in the religions - can preferentially be understood as expression of conflict and complementarity: that everything in inner life may best be studied as struggle between opposites and of how these polarities gradually complement each other. Almost everything can become acceptable if it is being interpreted as conflict. This has to happen in very specific and concrete terms, for psychoanalysis is the art of the specific. The universally valid is scientifically very important, but in clinical work it remains empty unless filled with specific experiential content. The antithesis between inner and external reality, between subjectivity and objectivity, between understanding and explaining, determines all psychoanalytic discourse. A modern version of this antithesis pits the narrative character of how we work with our patients and report about this work, against the ever increasing pressure to express everything in numbers, in diagrams, in percentages - i.e., the tension between the qualitative and the quantitative, between the time flow of the biography (its narration) and the timelessness of what is counted. Another Leitmotif is the basic attitude and motto of "exploring instead of judging", entailing the systematic superego analysis, especially the work on the superego transference. An important element of problematic, even noxious countertransference is the therapist's acting out of a superego attitude, e.g. in form of confrontative ("drive oriented") interpretations that are experienced by the patient as reproach. A cliche contradicted by experience is that of the almost exclusive value of transference interpretations. Clinical work shows that interpretations outside the transference may also be of great help and importance; in particular, the exploration of issues in current relationships outside of treatment may have an emotional urgency that may make them ideal for recognition and working through of unconscious conflicts. The central question always remains: What do we best focus upon if we want to bring the unconscious conflicts closer to resolution.
机译:提出了一些致力于精神分析工作的终身的雷迪米:精神分析的先验假设是一切心理 - 无论是在患者还是在文化和社会中,或在宗教中 - 可以理解为冲突的表达和互补性:最内部生活中的一切都可以最好地在对立之间的斗争和这些极性如何逐渐相互补充。如果被解释为冲突,几乎所有东西都可以成为可接受的。这必须以非常具体和具体的术语发生,对于精神分析是具体的艺术。普遍有效的是科学上非常重要,但在临床工作中,除非填充特定的经验含量,否则它仍然是空的。内部和外部现实之间的对立性,在理解和解释之间的主观性和客观之间决定了所有精神分析话语。这种对立面的现代版本的叙述性能与我们的患者合作的叙事性质和报告这项工作,以越来越多的压力来表达数量的数量,在百分比中,即定性和定量之间的紧张局势,在传记的时间流程(其叙述)之间以及计算的内容之间。另一个莱特米特是“探索而不是判断”的基本态度和座右铭,这引起了系统的垫料分析,尤其是对超越转移的工作。有问题的重要因素,甚至有害的逆情都是治疗师的表现出来的态度,例如,以对抗的形式(“驾驶为导向”)解释,患者因责备而经历。通过经验矛盾的陈词滥调是几乎独占转移解释的价值。临床工作表明,转移之外的解释也可能具有很大的帮助和重要性;特别是,对治疗之外的当前关系中的问题的探索可能具有情绪紧迫性,这可能使他们成为认识和通过无意识的冲突的理想选择。核心问题始终仍然存在:如果我们希望将无意识的冲突更接近解决方案,我们最好关注什么。



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