首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical models and computer simulations >Upscaling relative phase permeability for superelement modeling of petroleum reservoir engineering

Upscaling relative phase permeability for superelement modeling of petroleum reservoir engineering


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AbstractA technique for locally rescaling (upscaling) the functions of the relative phase permeability (RPP) has been developed, which minimizes the error in the approximating the phase filtration rates for the superelement modeling of waterflooding a layered heterogeneous oil reservoir. The RPP is locally upscaled for each superelement based on the solution of two-dimensional two-phase filtration problems on a refined computational grid. Modified RPP functions (MFRPPs) are represented in the parametric form; i.e., the values of the parameters are sought when solving the problem of minimizing the deviations of the averaged and approximated phase velocities at the sites corresponding to the faces of the superelement. The efficiency of applying MFRPP to superelement modeling is illustrated by an example of a model reservoir region where oil is extracted using injection and production wells and by an example of waterflooding at a real oilfield.
机译:<标题>抽象 ara>用于本地重构的技术(升级),已经开发了相对相位渗透率(RPP)的功能,这使得近似相位过滤速率的误差使得水上的过度建模的误差 层状异质储油储层。 基于二维两相过滤问题对精制计算网格的解决方案,RPP是针对每个过滤的局部上升。 修改的RPP函数(MFRPP)以参数形式表示; 即,当解决最小化对应于过度的面的位点处的平均和近似相速度的偏差的问题时,寻求参数的值。 应用MFRPP到超级性建模的效率通过模型储存区的示例说明了使用注射和生产井来提取油,并通过在真正的油田的水上浇灌的例子。



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