首页> 外文期刊>Marine genomics >Short communication: Characterization of the expression of microRNAs in the poecilogonous polychaete B. wellingtonensis

Short communication: Characterization of the expression of microRNAs in the poecilogonous polychaete B. wellingtonensis

机译:短期通信:对Poeconogogous Polychaete B.富隆顿的MicroRNA表达的表征

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Poecilogony is a type of reproduction in which a species produces different types of larvae. Boccardia wellingtonensis, is a poecilogonous polychaete with females producing planktotrophic and adelphophagic larvae, in addition to nurse eggs, in the same capsule that differ in feeding behavior. It is still unclear why planktotrophs do not feed on nurse eggs during the intracapsular development and arrest its growth, while adelphophagic larvae consume nurse eggs and planktotrophic larvae inside the capsule, hatching as advance larvae or as juveniles. Here we characterized the expression of selected miRNAs from these two types of larvae and from adults in order to begin to understand the molecular mechanisms that regulate expression in this type of poecilogony. Results showed that adults and pre-hatching adelphophagic larvae have high levels of expression of miR-125, miR-87a and let-7, while adelphophages at early developmental stage had low levels of expression of miR-87b. Planktotrophic larvae showed low expression level of let-7. This work represents the first step in understanding the role of miRNAs in the development of different larval types in a poecilogonous species. We also propose to B. wellingtonensis as an interesting biological model to study the evolution of larval modes and reproductive strategies of marine invertebrates.
机译:poecilogony是一种生殖类型,其中物种产生不同类型的幼虫。 Boccardia Wellingtonensis是一种Poeconogonous Polychaete,除了护理蛋,除了在不同饲养行为的同一胶囊中,除了护理蛋,还有女性的Proogonous Polychaete。目前尚不清楚为什么在骨科发育过程中Planktophs不归因于护士鸡蛋并抑制其生长,而阿尔氏幼虫在胶囊内消耗护理蛋和血管萎缩幼虫,孵化为预先幼虫或少年。在这里,我们表征了来自这两种类型的幼虫和成年人所选择的miRNA的表达,以便开始了解调节这种类型的Poeconogony中表达的分子机制。结果表明,成年人和预孵化的异常幼虫具有高水平的miR-125,miR-87a和Let-7的表达,而早期发育阶段的平静性具有低水平的miR-87b。 Planktotrophic幼虫显示出Let-7的低表达水平。这项工作代表了了解MIRNA在POECOOGOOGOOGOOMIES中不同幼虫类型发展中的第一步。我们还提出B.Wentingtonisis作为一个有趣的生物学模型,以研究幼虫模式和海洋无脊椎动物的生殖策略的演变。



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