首页> 外文期刊>Marine and Petroleum Geology >Seismic evidence of free gas migration through the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) and active methane seep in Krishna-Godavari offshore basin

Seismic evidence of free gas migration through the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) and active methane seep in Krishna-Godavari offshore basin

机译:通过天然气水合物稳定区(GHSZ)和活性甲烷渗透在克里希纳 - 戈达瓦里海上盆地的地震证据

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Seismic amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis was performed on the multichannel seismic data in the vicinity of Site NGHP-01-10, where thick fracture-filled gas hydrate is reported, to understand the fluid migration in fracture dominated gas hydrate system. Amplitude preserved common image gathers (CIG) are used in extracting the seismic amplitude with offset for seafloor, bottom simulating reflectors (BSR), and different horizons within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). The extracted amplitudes are fitted with three-term Shuey's AVO approximation to estimate the intercept and gradient values. Based on the intercept and gradient values, two distinct classes of seismic AVO responses are observed; class IV AVO (decreasing negative amplitudes with increasing offsets) and class III AVO (increasing negative amplitudes with increasing offsets) for the BSR and other horizons above the BSR. The large negative intercept and gradient values which indicate class III AVO ranges from - 0.2 to - 1.8 for the inline seismic profile and from - 0.01 to - 0.3 for the crossline profile. The presence of class III AVO anomaly within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) provides evidence of existence of free gas which may be migrating along the fault system. Some of the active faults are exposed on the surface and show gas venting signatures such as gas-flares and pockmarks in the multibeam data.
机译:对位点NGHP-01-10附近的多通道地震数据进行地震振幅与偏移(AVO)分析,其中报道了厚的骨折填充气体水合物,以了解骨折主导的气体水合物系统中的流体迁移。幅度被保存的常见图像聚集(CIG)用于用海底,底部模拟反射器(BSR)的偏移和气水合物稳定区(GHSZ)内的偏移偏移来提取地震幅度。提取的幅度配有三个舒伊的AVO近似,以估计截距和梯度值。基于截距和梯度值,观察到两个不同的地震抗恢复类别;对于BSR和BSR上方的BSR和其他地域,Class IV AVO(随着偏移的增加,增加了负幅度增加了负振幅,增加了偏移量增加了负幅度)。为III类AVO的大负拦截和梯度值为内联地震型材的0.2至-1.8级,对于交叉线轮廓为0.01至-0.3。天然气水合物稳定区(GHSZ)内的III类AVO异常的存在提供了可以沿着故障系统迁移的自由气体存在的证据。一些有源故障暴露在表面上,并在多波束数据中显示出气体发泄诸如燃气发泄签名,例如气体辐条和麻痹。



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