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Effects of forest dieback on wood decay, saproxylic communities, and spruce seedling regeneration on coarse woody debris


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Picea is one of the most dominant conifer genera in the Northern Hemisphere and includes species which require coarse woody debris (CWD) as a seedbed for regeneration. To understand the future of forest distribution under global climate change, it is important to investigate regeneration mechanisms in Picea forests on the borders of its distribution. In the present study, we evaluated the biotic factors affecting the establishment of Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis seedlings on CWD in one of its southernmost populations in central Japan, where there is dieback of Picea forest. Amplicon sequencing of the fungal ITS1 region of rDNA obtained from wood samples showed that forest dieback increased the frequency of brown rot fungi in CWD. The frequency of brown-rotted wood, in which wood holocellulose is decayed, increased with dieback intensity. The domination of brown-rotted wood in dieback forests was negatively associated with bryophyte cover which was positively associated with Picea seedling density. Forest dieback itself also had other strong negative effects on bryophytes. Thus, linkages between dead wood and spruce seedlings via bryophytes had collapsed after the dieback event, which may partly be a reason that the spruce forest shifted to and is staying as open grassland. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd and British Mycological Society. All rights reserved.
机译:Picea是北半球最多的针叶树属中最多的针叶树之一,包括需要粗糙的木质碎片(CWD)作为再生的苗床的物种。为了了解全球气候变化下森林分布的未来,重要的是要调查微量森林的再生机制对其分销的边界。在本研究中,我们评估了影响CICEA Jezoensis VAR的建立的生物因素。在日本中部最南端的最南端的Hondoensis Singlings,在那里有沉着困难的森林。从木样品中获得的RDNA的真菌的扩增子测序显示,森林死回地增加了CWD中棕色腐毒真菌的频率。腐烂木材的频率,其中木质全纤维素衰减,随着反冲强度的增加而增加。褐色腐烂的木材在黑暗森林中的统治与白细胞覆盖呈负相关,这些覆盖与微微茶叶幼苗密度正相关。森林死刑本身对苔藓植物也有其他强烈的负面影响。因此,死木质和云核幼苗通过苔藓植物的纺织品在黑倒背事件之后倒塌,这可能部分是云杉森林转移到并保持为开放草原的原因。 (c)2019年Elsevier Ltd和英国Mycological社会。版权所有。



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