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Foresters' Perceptions of the Frequency, Cost, and Rationale for Seasonal Timber Harvesting Restrictions in Wisconsin


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Seasonal timber harvesting restrictions (STHRs) are applied for a variety of reasons, such as reducing risk of oak wilt and soil disturbance and protecting public resources such as water quality, rare species, and public roads during spring thaw. These restrictions may reduce timber supply during spring and summer. We conducted a survey of 184 private sector foresters and 197 public agency foresters in Wisconsin to estimate the frequency of, rationale for, and cost-effectiveness of STHRs. The response rate was 65%. Survey respondents reported that timber sales were most commonly restricted to comply with best management practices (64% of sales), reduce soil disturbance (56%), prevent oak wilt (39%), and address access concerns (34%). The most common motivations for STHRs were professional judgment of foresters and landowner objectives. Foresters reported that most restrictions were effective in achieving their goals and that landowners supported the restrictions. However, respondents perceived that STHRs reduced stumpage prices by 5 to 12%. We estimated that STHRs cost landowners $ 22.2 million annually statewide ($ 3.15 ton(-1)) of restricted timber based on perceived reductions in stumpage prices. Public agency foresters perceived that most categories of restrictions were cost-effective, whereas forest industry foresters believed a smaller subset of restrictions were cost-effective.
机译:季节性木材收获限制(STHRS)出于各种原因应用,例如降低橡木枯萎和土壤干扰的风险,并在春季解冻期间保护水质,稀有物种和公共道路等公共资源。这些限制可能会在春季和夏季减少木材供应。我们对威斯康星州的184名私营部门森林和197个公共机构森林进行了调查,估计了STHRS的理由和成本效益的频率。响应率为65%。调查受访者报告说,木材销售量最为规定,符合最佳管理实践(64%的销售额),降低土壤干扰(56%),防止橡木枯萎(39%),并解决接入涉及(34%)。 STHRS最常见的动机是森林和土地所有者的专业判断。森林培训人报告说,大多数限制都有效地实现了目标,并且土地所有者支持限制。然而,受访者认为,STHRS的价格将稳定的价格降低了5%至12%。我们估计,基于稳定价格的感知减少,STHRS成本居住在每年为2220万美元的规定(315吨(-1)限制木材。公共机构林业认为,大多数类别的限制都具有成本效益,而森林工业林群相信较小的限制子集是具有成本效益的。



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