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Ordovician Ichnofossils and Popular Architecture in Monsagro (Salamanca, Spain): Ethnopaleontology in the Service of Rural Development


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The municipality of Monsagro, a mountain location in Las Batuecas-Sierra de Francia Natural Park (Salamanca, Spain), has recently developed two paleontological outreach projects: aFossil Footprints Geo-routewithin the urban area and a modernCentre for the Interpretation of Ancient Seas. They are based on the abundance and popular interest ofCruzianaand other ichnofossils, which have been added as architectural elements in many buildings of the village constituting a curious ethnopaleontological phenomenon. The Monsagro ichnofossils are ex situ paleontological heritage submitted to non-standard conditions of conservation. Its scientific value is therefore limited, but its social value is high, and the support of both population and public administration gives the strength for the success of the referred outreach/geotourist initiatives. An on-site survey conducted with village inhabitants and visitors reveals their high popular estimate, and how these have contributed to increasing scientific culture of citizens and socio-economic development of this rural area.
机译:Monsagro市山区山区距离兰拓德国弗朗西亚自然公园(西班牙萨拉曼卡萨拉曼卡),最近开发了两种古生物外展项目:Afosleil足迹地理迂回城市地区和古代海洋解释的现代中心。他们基于克鲁齐亚纳和其他ICHNOFORES的丰富和流行的兴趣,这些兴趣在村庄的许多建筑物中被添加到构成好奇的乙醛族语言现象。 Monsagro Ichnofossils是出于非标准保护条件的原因古生物遗产。因此,其科学价值有限,但其社会价值高,人口和公共行政的支持使得提到的外展/地理旅馆举措的成功提供了实力。与村居民和游客进行的现场调查显示了他们的估计很高,以及如何促进越来越多的公民科学文化和这个农村地区的社会经济发展。



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