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Anesthesia Outside the Operating Room


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In the 1840s, anesthesia was administered in the office setting by the hands of Crawford Long, Horace Wells, and William Morton.1 Sixty years later in England, James Nicoll documented the successful administration of 8988 ambulatory anesthetics over a 10-year period from 1899-1908. Many others also published their clinical experience with the use of ambulatory anesthesia. Although successful, this period of ambulatory anesthesia faded away and was replaced by traditional inpatient surgery. For about 6 decades, most surgeries, as most anesthetics, were performed in the inpatient setting. In the 1960s, expanding medical knowledge and expertise, combined with increased health care costs, led to a renewed interest in outpatient care of the surgical patient. Over the next 4 decades, the use of ambulatory anesthesia grew dramatically and is currently estimated to be used in more than 70% of all surgical cases. Better medications and important clinical and technological developments in medicine, in general, and in the field of anesthesia, in particular, are major contributors facilitating the shift from inpatient to ambulatory anesthetic care. This chapter will examine the trends in this field that make it possible to safely conduct a wide range of procedures in patients who would have been very poor candidates for surgical interventions outside the operating room (OR) just a few years back.
机译:在1840年代,麻醉是由Crawford Long,Horace Wells和William Morton在办公室进行的。1六十年后,詹姆斯·尼科尔(James Nicoll)在英格兰记录了从1899年起的10年中成功实施了8988种门禁麻醉剂-1908。其他许多人也发表了使用动态麻醉的临床经验。尽管成功,但这段非卧床麻醉逐渐消失,取而代之的是传统的住院手术。大约六十年来,大多数手术和大多数麻醉剂都是在住院患者中进行的。在1960年代,不断扩大的医学知识和专业知识,加上不断增加的医疗保健费用,引起了人们对手术患者的门诊治疗的新兴趣。在接下来的4年中,动态麻醉的使用急剧增长,目前估计在所有手术病例中有70%以上使用了这种麻醉。总体上,尤其是在麻醉领域,更好的药物以及医学上重要的临床和技术发展是促进从住院到非卧床麻醉护理的主要贡献者。本章将探讨该领域的趋势,这些趋势使人们有可能安全地对数年前就不可能在手术室(OR)进行手术干预的患者进行广泛的手术。



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