
Conjunctival MUC5AC+ goblet cell index: relationship with corneal nerves and dry eye

机译:结膜muc5ac + roblet细胞指标:与角膜神经和干眼症的关系

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Purpose To evaluate the relative proportion of conjunctival MUC5AC+ and MUC5AC? goblet cells in a post-LASIK population and their association with dry eye indicators and corneal nerve morphology using a MUC5AC+ Goblet Cell Index. Methods Twenty subjects who had undergone LASIK >?12?months previously and 20 age-matched controls were recruited. Dry eye symptoms, tear breakup time, osmolarity, meniscus area and corneal nerve morphology were examined. Conjunctival impression cytology samples were collected from inferior-temporal bulbar conjunctiva using Millicell? inserts. Total goblet cell density was determined from positive cytokeratin-7 (CK7) immunolabelling; MUC5AC+ goblet cell density was determined from both CK7+- and MUC5AC+-immunolabelled cells. The ratio of MUC5AC+ to total density was defined as the “MUC5AC+ Goblet Cell Index”. Differences in variables between groups and the associations between goblet cell variables and clinical assessments were examined. Results No significant differences in the total and MUC5AC+ goblet cell density and tear film parameters were found between groups, although greater ocular discomfort was reported in the post-LASIK group ( P ?=?0.02). A higher MUC5AC+ Index was associated with worse/greater dry eye symptoms ( ρ ?=?0.55, P ?=?0.01) and higher nerve tortuosity ( ρ ?=?0.57, P ?=?0.01) in the post-LASIK group; lower nerve density and thickness was found in controls ( ρ ?>??0.45, P ?
机译:目的评估结膜muc5ac +和muc5ac的相对比例吗?使用MUC5AC +脚杯细胞指数的LASIK群体和干眼症和角膜神经形态的转脚细胞及其与角膜神经形态。方法有20个受试者接受过LASIK>?12?12个月以前和20个月招募了20个匹配的控件。检查了干眼症,撕裂时间,渗透压,肌肉性,弯月面积和角膜神经形态。使用Millicell从下颞泡结膜中收集结膜印象细胞学样本?插入。从阳性细胞角蛋白酶-7(CK7)免疫标签中测定总脚卵细胞密度;从CK7 +和MUC5AC + -IMMUNOLABELLED细胞中测定MUC5AC +脚杯细胞密度。 MUC5AC +至总密度的比例定义为“MUC5AC +脚卷细胞指数”。研究了组之间变量的差异和高博客细胞变量与临床评估之间的关联。结果在组之间发现了总体和Muc5Ac +脚卷细胞密度和撕裂膜参数的显着差异。较高的MUC5Ac +指数与较差/ =Δ= 0.55,p≤0.55,p≤0.55,p≤0.55,p?= 0.57,p?= 0.57,p?0.01);在对照中发现较低的神经密度和厚度(ρ?> ?? 0.45,p?<0.05),但与撕膜参数无关。结论MUC5AC + roblet细胞指数提供了粘蛋白分泌的指标,用于评估干眼液中的脚耳细胞功能。在后LASIK参与者中,我们发现了与较差的干眼症症状和角膜神经形态的不良变化相关的MUC5AC +指数增加。



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