首页> 外文期刊>Geophysics: Journal of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists >Source-independent extended waveform inversion based on space-time source extension: Frequency-domain implementation

Source-independent extended waveform inversion based on space-time source extension: Frequency-domain implementation


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Source signature estimation from seismic data is a crucial ingredient for successful application of seismic migration and full-waveform inversion (FWI). If the starting velocity deviates from the target velocity, FWI method with on-the-fly source estimation may fail due to the cycle-skipping problem. We have developed a source-based extended waveform inversion method, by introducing additional parameters in the source function, to solve the FWI problem without the source signature as a priori. Specifically, we allow the point source function to be dependent on spatial and time variables. In this way, we can easily construct an extended source function to fit the recorded data by solving a source matching subproblem; hence, it is less prone to cycle skipping. A novel source focusing annihilator, defined as the distance function from the real source position, is used for penalizing the defocused energy in the extended source function. A close data fit avoiding the cycle-skipping problem effectively makes the new method less likely to suffer from local minima, which does not require extreme low-frequency signals in the data. Numerical experiments confirm that our method can mitigate cycle skipping in FWI and is robust against random noise.



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