首页> 外文期刊>European journal of forest research >Influence of tree species richness on tree growth and intrinsic water-use efficiency after drought in tree plantations in north-eastern Italy

Influence of tree species richness on tree growth and intrinsic water-use efficiency after drought in tree plantations in north-eastern Italy


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Recent studies have highlighted that higher species richness can increase the resistance and/or the resilience to disturbances and stresses. The present study quantifies the overall tree species richness effect on growth and intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) in three target tree species (i.e. Fraxinus excelsior, Juglans spp. and Prunus avium) after drought in six deciduous plantations in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia plain, North-eastern Italy. Planting densities, management, climatic and soil characteristics were the same at all the plantations. Stands differed only for their total surface area and for their total tree species richness (3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9). We double-sampled 15 dominant trees for each of the three target species, we measured tree-ring width, and we removed age-related trends using a detrending function. We selected 2006 as the driest year at the sites and 2014 as the reference year using the De Martonne Index. For both years, we measured delta C-13 signature in tree rings to calculate iWUE. Tree species richness had a positive effect on the response to drought both in terms of normalized ring width and iWUE, but only at a lower number of consociated species (< 5), when facilitation and/or complementarity mechanisms prevailed. Instead, negative responses were typical at higher levels (>= 5), when competition was the dominant process within the stand. Moreover, species richness had no effect on tree growth in 2014, maybe because either competition or complementarity processes did not occur, or these processes could cancel out each other, when environmental conditions were not limiting.
机译:最近的研究强调,较高的物种丰富性可以增加抗性和/或对扰动和应力的抵抗力。本研究量化了三种靶树种(即Fraxinus Excelsior,Juglans SPP和Prunus Avium)在Friuli-Venezia Giulia的六个落叶种植园中的三种靶树种(即Fraxinus Excelsior,Juglans SPP和Prunus Avium)中的整体树物种丰富性效应(IWUE)意大利朴素,东北部。在所有种植园种植密度,管理,气候和土壤特性都是一样的。站立仅适用于它们的总表面积以及它们的总树种类丰富(3,4,6,7,8和9)。我们针对三个目标物种中的每一种进行双人采样的15棵显性树木,我们测量了树圈宽度,并使用了崩解功能去除了与年龄相关的趋势。我们选择了2006年作为最干燥的一年,2014年作为使用De Martonne指数的参考年份。两年来,我们在树圈中测量了Delta C-13签名以计算IWUE。树种丰富对归一化环宽度和IWUE的响应具有积极影响,而且仅在促进和/或互补机制普遍存在的情况下,仅在较少数量的协调物种(<5)处。相反,当竞争是立场中的主导过程时,较高水平(> = 5)的负响应是典型的。此外,物种丰富性对2014年的树木增长没有影响,也许是因为没有发生竞争或互补过程,或者这些过程可以互相消除,当环境条件没有限制时。



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