首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >Single-step transfer of biosynthetic operons endows a non-magnetotactic Magnetospirillum strain from wetland with magnetosome biosynthesis

Single-step transfer of biosynthetic operons endows a non-magnetotactic Magnetospirillum strain from wetland with magnetosome biosynthesis


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The magnetotactic lifestyle represents one of the most complex traits found in many bacteria from aquatic environments and depends on magnetic organelles, the magnetosomes. Genetic transfer of magnetosome biosynthesis operons to a non-magnetotactic bacterium has only been reported once so far, but it is unclear whether this may also occur in other recipients. Besides magnetotactic species from freshwater, the genus Magnetospirillum of the Alphaproteobacteria also comprises a number of strains lacking magnetosomes, which are abundant in diverse microbial communities. Their close phylogenetic interrelationships raise the question whether the non-magnetotactic magnetospirilla may have the potential to (re)gain a magnetotactic lifestyle upon acquisition of magnetosome gene clusters. Here, we studied the transfer of magnetosome gene operons into several non-magnetotactic environmental magnetospirilla. Single-step transfer of a compact vector harbouring >30 major magnetosome genes from M. gryphiswaldense induced magnetosome biosynthesis in a Magnetospirillum strain from a constructed wetland. However, the resulting magnetic cellular alignment was insufficient for efficient magnetotaxis under conditions mimicking the weak geomagnetic field. Our work provides insights into possible evolutionary scenarios and potential limitations for the dissemination of magnetotaxis by horizontal gene transfer and expands the range of foreign recipients that can be genetically magnetized.



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