首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Soil Science >The structure of mesofauna complexes in soils of the forest-park zone of Moscow and the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biospheric Reserve

The structure of mesofauna complexes in soils of the forest-park zone of Moscow and the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biospheric Reserve


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A comparative analysis of quantitative parameters of the complexes of large soil invertebrates (mesofauna) in slightly disturbed biotopes of the Kuz'minki-Lyublino natural forest park of Moscow and in natural biotopes of the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biospheric Reserve as a representative territory of the zone of mixed forests. It is shown that soil mesofauna in forest cenoses of the urban park preserves its natural features, though significant changes take place in the dominant complex. An increase in the biomass (up to 43 g/m2) of invertebrates has been observed in the forest-park soils at the expense of a greater population density of earthworms; the portion of saprophages in them increases, whereas the portion of predators is smaller than that in the native soils of the reserve.
机译:莫斯科Kuz'Minki-Lyublino天然森林公园略带障碍生物园中的大型土壤含量(Mesofauna)的定量参数对比较分析。该区代表领土的Prioksko-Terrasnyi生物储备自然生物园 混合森林。 结果表明,城市公园森林春季的土壤中苏达保留了其自然特征,尽管在主导复合体中发生重大变化。 在森林公园土壤中,造成蚯蚓种群密度较少的森林公园土壤中已经观察到生物量(高达43克/平方米)无脊椎动物; 它们在它们中的一部分增加,而捕食者的一部分小于储备的天然土壤中的部分。



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