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Particle-size Distribution Patterns in Vertisols and Vertic Soils of Russia


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Five variants of the distribution of clay (0.001 mm) and physical clay (0.01 mm) fractions along the vertical profiles of Vertisols (slitozems) and vertic soils (slitic subtypes of different soil types) from the European part of Russia are distinguished: (1) accumulative, (2) even, (3) regressive, (4) with a maximum in the middle-profile horizon and with their approximately equal contents in the upper and the lower horizons, and (5) eluvial illuvial. These distribution patterns are related to the lithological specificity of sedimentation and formation of parent materials composed of swelling clays of different geneses and ages. Solonetzic, eluvial-gley, and solodic processes contribute to the development of the eluvial-illuvial and, partly, regressive variants of clay distribution. All the five variants with a predominance of the even distribution pattern can be found in Vertisols. Most of Vertisols in the European part of Russia have a medium clayey or a heavy clayey texture in the entire profile. The regressive distribution pattern is typical of the group of vertic soils. In the upper horizons of Vertisols, where slickensides do not form, the texture is usually heavier than that in the analogous horizons of vertic soils. The middle-profile and lower horizons with slickensides have similar statistical distributions of particle-size fractions in Vertisols proper and in vertic soils. However, in Vertisols, a tendency for a more frequent occurrence of the soils with a higher content of the clay fraction and with a higher portion of this fraction in the physical clay fraction is observed (as compared with the vertic soils).
机译:来自俄罗斯欧洲部分的粘土(X.00mm)和沿俄罗斯欧洲部分的垂直曲线(Slitozems)和Vertic土壤(不同土壤类型)的垂直曲线的物理粘土(& 0.01mm)级分的5个变体区分:(1)累计,(2)甚至,(3)回归,(4)中剖面地平线最大,其上下视野中的近似相同的内容物,(5)eluvial isluvial。这些分布模式与由不同基因和年龄的溶胀粘土组成的沉降和形成母体材料的岩性特异性。 SoloneTzic,Eluvial-Gley和Solodic方法有助于粘土分布的胰岛素和部分回归变体的发展。所有具有均匀分布图案的五个变体都可以在vertisol中找到。俄罗斯欧洲部分的大多数vertisols在整个概况中有一个媒体粘土或重型粘土纹理。回归分布模式是术语的垂直污垢组。在活性醇的上视野中,在没有形成的光滑的情况下,纹理通常比垂直污染的类似视野更重。中间型材和较低的地平线与光滑剂具有相似的颗粒尺寸分数的粒度分布适当和垂直的土壤。然而,在转甾醇中,观察到在物理粘土部分中更频繁地发生具有较高含量的土壤和在物理粘土部分中的较高部分的土壤(与Vertic土壤相比)。



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